Liliana Rogozea Artificial intelligence
Liliana Rogozea Human intelligence – Artificial intelligence an interesting challengean interesting challenge –to develop a software for helping us to take the best decisions, –it could be inefficient and not enough powerful, can’t appreciate all aspectscan’t appreciate all aspects a lot of mind properties cannot be, yet, reproduced by artificial intelligencea lot of mind properties cannot be, yet, reproduced by artificial intelligence
Liliana Rogozea A.I. Services - characteristic AvailableAffordableAccountableCompatibleComprehensibleComprehensive
Liliana Rogozea Subjective or objective ethical issues have subjective and emotive componentsethical issues have subjective and emotive components it is obvious that is not possible to develop a pattern for all ethical dilemmas,it is obvious that is not possible to develop a pattern for all ethical dilemmas, is possible to develop some standardsis possible to develop some standards –not only for human behavior, but also for artificial intelligence tools used in our life, –standards which could be part of human rights.
Liliana Rogozea Artificial intelligence – a new concept? The concept - developed - John McCarthy,The concept - developed - John McCarthy, –a computer scientist, –Turing Award in 1971 –“Whatever a person can do, he should able to make a computer do for him”. Why Artificial Intelligence Needs Philosophy (article):Why Artificial Intelligence Needs Philosophy (article): –“The idea of an intelligent machine is old, but serious work on the artificial intelligence problem or even serious understanding of what the problem is awaited the stored program computer. We may regard the subject of artificial intelligence as beginning with Turing's article Computing Machinery and Intelligence (Turing 1950) and with Shannon's (1950) discussion of how a machine might be programmed to play chess.”
Liliana Rogozea Robots Inventors + writterInventors + writter –Pygmalion and Galatea myth, –Leonardo da Vinci t –Frank Baum - Ozma of Oz: Tik-Tok –artificial machine describe in famous novel, –Isaac Asimov Three Laws of Robotics,Three Laws of Robotics, The Complete RobotThe Complete Robot –George Lucas in Star Wars
Liliana Rogozea medicine the new preoccupationthe new preoccupation –not only to reduce the suffering, –help the sick people using the local resources, –to develop a way of using the human intelligence and the resource from other countries. to work together all over the work together all over the world. TelemedicineTelemedicine which is a modern way.which is a modern way. Poole:Poole: –artificial intelligent is seen like "the study and design of intelligent agents".
Liliana Rogozea AI or computer intelligence? artificial intelligence - a concept more and more important in our lifeartificial intelligence - a concept more and more important in our life an interdisciplinary field - need cooperation betweenan interdisciplinary field - need cooperation between –computers scientist, –engineering, –psychologist, –sociologist –medical doctors.
Liliana Rogozea artificial intelligence on the people’s life on the long term? it is not very clear the influenceit is not very clear the influence "Within a generation... the problem of creating 'artificial intelligence' will substantially be solved.“"Within a generation... the problem of creating 'artificial intelligence' will substantially be solved.“ – Marvin Minsky We know now that is only at the beginning.We know now that is only at the beginning.
Liliana Rogozea artificial intelligence on the people’s life on the long term? AI in medicine:AI in medicine: –Cybernetics and brain simulation, –Cognitive simulation, simulate human thought. AI can be usedAI can be used –to organize bed schedules, –make a staff rotation, –provide medical information –medical diagnosis.
Liliana Rogozea AI in diagnostic / treatment developing automatic systems from diagnosticdeveloping automatic systems from diagnostic –classification of some modifications, –diagnostic lesions or cells with abnormalities treatment treatment –intelligent decision support systems for mechanical ventilation, –selected treatment strategy robotsrobots telemedicinetelemedicine
Liliana Rogozea 4. Infrastructure from medical artificial intelligence More and more people use mobile phone, internet and computer, so it becomes obvious that these facilities are pervaded (penetrate) in medicine.More and more people use mobile phone, internet and computer, so it becomes obvious that these facilities are pervaded (penetrate) in medicine. Because the aria covered by mobile company is large this could be used like a provider from AI in medicine.Because the aria covered by mobile company is large this could be used like a provider from AI in medicine.
Liliana Rogozea Mobile phone penetration in Europe 120% > % % % % < 80% No data
Liliana Rogozea internet
Mobile phone - internet a different development of this 2 communications and infrastructures option,a different development of this 2 communications and infrastructures option, at the European level,at the European level, in Romania, from different Romania, from different regions.
Liliana Rogozea Evolution When artificial intelligence was developing like a new trend, it looked like utopia to discuss about this, and of course we didn’t have any ethical problems to solve.When artificial intelligence was developing like a new trend, it looked like utopia to discuss about this, and of course we didn’t have any ethical problems to solve. In time it becomes obvious that ethical problems are really important and a lot of organizations try to mark out the principal direction where we must interfere.In time it becomes obvious that ethical problems are really important and a lot of organizations try to mark out the principal direction where we must interfere. Using artificial intelligence could help medical system or sick people but also brings a number of ethical problems like: responsibilities, informed consent, respect the patient right.Using artificial intelligence could help medical system or sick people but also brings a number of ethical problems like: responsibilities, informed consent, respect the patient right.
Liliana Rogozea
Conclusion In medicine AI can build intelligent tools that have some features usually associated with human intelligence, to develop medical experts system.In medicine AI can build intelligent tools that have some features usually associated with human intelligence, to develop medical experts system. In an ethical way, it is very important to be a critical user of artificial intelligence.In an ethical way, it is very important to be a critical user of artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence is a challenge for all of us. From science fiction to to reality is a step, but we must be prepare for thatArtificial intelligence is a challenge for all of us. From science fiction to to reality is a step, but we must be prepare for that
Liliana Rogozea Thank you