Log in to EDU 2.0 Click on KNOW THE SOURCE Watch the two videos-you have 10 minutes
BE CRITICAL Companies are marketing false information to get your attention. They purposefully created this video to fool you. How do you feel about that? How many more companies are doing the same thing?
WHAT HAPPENS WHEN EVEN THE EXPERTS GOT IT WRONG? Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc. to share with the world what they are experiencing. So when Hurricane Sandy was showing her ugly face, people were snapping photos and sharing them with the world to tell their story, or were they? Take a look at this article about the information being shared that day On Twitter, Sifting Through Falsehoods in Critical Times
ANOTHER ONE is a pretty interesting website that tries to help people sort through whether things are true or false. Take a look at some of the pictures that were shared about Hurricane Sandy. Notice that some are real pictures, but they were not from Hurricane Sandy.
WHAT SHOULD I LEARN FROM THIS? Be sure that you are critical about the information that you see online. As you learned, even the big news companies that we pay money to report the truth are getting it wrong. They are trying to report news fast, faster than citizen journalists on Twitter and other social medias can report it and because of that they are getting the facts wrong.
WHAT CAN I DO TO KEEP THE FACTS STRAIGHT? Go to Ms. Escamilla’s blog and look for the post from August 21-22, 2014 Under ACTIVITIES look for STEP # 3 Watch the video and be ready to share
LOOKS LIKE READY FOR A PARTNER 1.Sit with your clock partner #2. 2.Find STEP #4 in the blog 3.Choose two different sites to review. Determine what is fact and what is fiction. 4.Remember to refer to the information you learned in the video above and use this website to help you evaluate the 5Ws -
SITES Gmail Motion World’s Largest Building Tree Octopus 14 Year Old Burger Exploding Whale Velcro Crop Lost City Discovered Dog Island First Robot With your partner, discuss and answer the following questions. You only have to fill out one form for the two of you. Google Form
DONE, DONE, DONE ! You have finished the challenge for your Social Classes. Hopefully you learned something interesting. If you still have time in class and want to learn some more interesting unbelievable facts, check out this website.