集美教师进修学校 吴 莉 萍 Watch the trailer( 预告片 ) of the famous science fiction WALL-E of 2008. Try to get as much information as possible and be ready to discuss.


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Presentation transcript:

集美教师进修学校 吴 莉 萍

Watch the trailer( 预告片 ) of the famous science fiction WALL-E of Try to get as much information as possible and be ready to discuss it.

Title: Do you think you will have your own robot? Picture:

Predict and circle the words and phrases you think you will read in the passage and then compare your prediction with your partner. human cars years ago bored will was koalas buildings less work swimming possible America doctor piano backpack √√ √ √ √ √ √

1 、 human n. 2 、 scientist n. 3 、 huge adj. 4 、 snake n. 5 、 shape n. 6 、 possible adj. 7 、 earthquake n. 8 、 toothbrush n. 9 、 electric adj. 10 、 seem v. 11 、 already adv. 1 、人类 2 、科学家 3 、大的 4 、蛇 5 、形状 6 、可能的 7 、地震 8 、牙刷 9 、电的 10 、似乎 11 、已经 in the future hundreds of the same as… get bored look for 将来 数以百计的 和 …… 一样 厌烦 寻找

In some science fiction movies, people in the future have their own robots. These robots are just like humans. They help with the housework and do the most unpleasant jobs. Guess new words through word-building ( 根据构词法猜测词义 ). house+work work done in a house (cleaning, cooking, washing,etc) un+pleasant not intresting

Get the main idea: It tells us what may and what they can now and in the future. robots look like do

Find out the topic sentence of each paragraph. A topic sentence sets out the main idea of a paragraph. A topic sentence is usually the first or last sentence of a paragraph.

Para. 2 Para. 3 Para. 4 Para. 5 Some scientists believe that there will be such robots in the future. But robot scientist James White disagrees… Robot scientists are not just trying to make robots look like people. In the future, there will be more robots everywhere, and humans will have less work to do.

Scanning ( 细读 ): Read the passage and then choose T(true) or F(false) for each sentence below. ( )1. Some scientists think we will have our own robots in the future? ( )2. Japan has robots that can walk and dance. ( )3. James White thinks that it’s easy for a robot to do the same things as a person. ( )4. Some scientists think that robots can talk to people now in the reading. ( )5. Robots working in factories look more like huge arms. ( )6. After an earthquake now, a snake robot can help look for people under buildings T F T F T F

different shapes humans, huge arms snakes walk and dance talk to people look for people do unpleasant jobs help with housework What can robots look like? What can robots do ? … work in factories

Fill in the blanks In the future, new robots will have many different shapes. Some will look like, and others might look like, huge etc. Scientists are now trying to robots like people and things as us, for example, these robots can and. In some science fiction movies, we may have our own robots, they can to people, with the housework, the most jobs. It possible in the future. humans snakes arms makelook do the same walkdance talk help do unpleasant seems

① They help with the housework and do the most unpleasant jobs. 他们帮助我们处理日常家务,还做我们最不 情愿做的工作。 动词短语 help with… 意思是 “ 帮忙做 ……” , 其中 with 是介词,后接名词或代词。

你能帮忙修电脑吗? Can you help with the computer? 有时, “ 帮忙做 ……” 也可用 help (to) do sth. 结构。 After an earthquake, a snake robot could help look for people under buildings. (P5) 地震过后,蛇形机器人可以帮助找埋在建筑 物下面的人们。

此外,表示 “ 帮助某人做 ……” 则用 help sb. with … 或 help sb. (to) do sth. 请在英语方面帮帮我。 Please help me with my English. 你能帮我照顾我的狗狗吗? Can you help me (to) look after my dog?

② However, they agree it may take hundreds of years. (P2) 但他们承认这需要上百年时间。 句中动词 take 意思是 “ 花费 ; 需要 ; 占用 ” 这工作要花三小时。 The work will take three hours.

③ Scientists are now trying to make robots look like people and do the same things as us. (P2) 科学家们正在研制不论是外形还是行为都更像 我们人类的机器人。 make… do… 意思是 “ 使 …… 做 ……” 。 Japanese companies have already made robots walk and dance.(P2) 日本公司已研制出能走路、跳舞的机器人。

老师的故事使我们感到好笑 The teacher’s story made us laugh. He thinks that it will be difficult for a robot to do the same things as a person. ( P3 ) 他认为让机器人像人一样做事可不简单。 the same… as… 意思是 “ 和 …… 一样 的 ……” 。 她和我干一样的活。 She did the same work as me.

⑤ They do simple jobs over and over again. (P4) 它们一遍又一遍地干一些简单的活计。 over and over again 意思是 “ 再三 ” ,在句中 多修饰一个动词作状语。 They ran the tapes over and over again. 他们将磁带播放了一遍又一遍。

That may not seem possible now, but … 它们现在好像不可能,但 …… 句中 seem 意思是 “ 看来好像;似乎 ” ,用作半 系动词,后面可接形容词作其表语。 … and even electric toothbrushes seemed impossible a hundred years ago. (P5) …… 在一百年前,电动牙刷看来都不可能。

Describe your own robot in the future (use at least two new words and phrases you have learned today).

My robot in the future I think I will have my own robot in the future. It may look like humans and do the same things as a person. My robot can talk to me and help me do the most unpleasant jobs, such as cleaning, shopping, cooking, looking after my pet etc. Sometimes it can play with me like my good friend and make me happy. (laugh) I hope robots in the future won’t be too expensive, it won’t take hundreds of years to make it.

Homework: Recite the first paragraph Make a sentence with the following structures: help with----- help--- (to)do--- the same as---- make---do--- It takes---- Writing “My own robot in the future”(use at least three new words and phrases you have learned today.)