Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarships Master’s & Doctoral Scholarships (CGSM & CGSD) and Doctoral Fellowships Competition
Value & Eligibility (CGSM) The Joseph-Armand Bombardier CGS Master's program offers one- time, non-renewable, 12-month awards, valued at $17,500. Successful applicants must take up their awards in May 2012, September 2012 or January The January start date is available only to award holders who cannot begin their degree program earlier, either because of an incomplete previous degree or because their chosen degree program is not available until the later date. Canadian citizen or Permanent Resident A- (80%) average in EACH of the last 2 years be applying for support to pursue your first graduate degree and not have completed more than 12 months of full-time graduate study at the proposed start date of the award U of G can forward 25 applications plus 7 alternates
Value & Eligibility (CGSD & Doctoral Fellowship Applicants apply for both awards by completing one application form. If you are eligible for both awards, SSHRC will automatically consider you for both. Joseph-Armand Bombardier CGS Doctoral Scholarships: $35,000 per annum for 36 months. SSHRC Doctoral Fellowships: $20,000 per annum for 12, 24, 36 or 48 months. SSHRC determines the value and duration of an award based on the number of months of full-time study (or equivalent) the applicant will have completed at the proposed start date of the award. U of G can forward 16 applications
Application Process 1. Go to: eng.aspx choose the appropriate scholarship and carefully read all of the information to ensure your eligibility to apply. eng.aspx 2. Go to: en_CA en_CA If you have never applied to SSHRC before you will need to click on Register to obtain a password. 3. Find the Webinars for Students schedule at: nouvelles_recentes/webinar-webinaire-eng.aspx and register by ing:
Application Process (continued) 4. Once you have logged into the SSHRC application site click on Create a New Form and select the appropriate form. At the top of the page click on Instructions and carefully read and/or print off the application instructions. 5. Now you are finally ready to begin completing your on-line application which you will submit when finished and then print off and sign the hard copy before submitting to your department by the deadline date of November 1, 2011.
Supporting Documentation Transcripts: Original transcripts of all post-secondary education must be submitted to your department No charge for U of G transcripts if your are currently enrolled here and they are sent directly to your department Request by fax or in person at Enrolment Services (UC level 3)
Supporting Documentation Letters of Appraisal: 2 from faculty members who know your research potential and publications To each referee forward the following: a copy of your list of research contributions; the link to the Letter of Appraisal form; a copy of your Program of Study; and a letter-sized envelope with your name, address and the words Urgent — Deadline Material on the front. Be sure to specify that the person completing the form must seal the envelope, sign over the seal, and return the envelope to you, so you can forward these unopened envelopes with the rest of your application.
Application Due Date Tuesday November 1 st Complete application package must be submitted to your Department Contact by the end of the business day Use the application checklist provided to ensure you haven’t missed anything Check off all of the items as appropriate and hand in at the back of your application package
Research Proposal If your research is health-related it is absolutely essential that you send a one page research summary to SSHRC requesting confirmation that your research falls under their mandate Applications are not transferred from one council to the other Just because your advisor has a SSHRC grant it does not automatically follow that your research will fall under SSHRC’s mandate Particularly important for Psychology students Send your summary to:
Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship aims to attract and retain world-class doctoral students by supporting students who demonstrate both leadership skills and a high standard of scholarly achievement in graduate studies in social sciences and humanities, natural sciences and engineering, and health by offering doctoral scholarships valued at $50,000 per year for 3 years. Canadian and international students are eligible to be nominated for a Vanier CGS Very prestigious and competitive No Vanier Scholarships available this year in CIHR fields
Vanier Eligibility Outstanding grades and research are expected of all applicants Strong emphasis on leadership skills both academically and within the broader community Must apply through and be nominated by the Canadian University to which applying for Doctoral studies Pursue doctoral studies at a different University that where previous degrees completed or in progress Students already enrolled in their doctoral program are also eligible to apply as long as they will have completed no more than 20 months of their doctoral program as of May 1, 2012
Vanier Application Process entire application is submitted electronically using ResearchNet: vlet?language=E Hard copies of official transcripts submitted to Lois Bamsey, Awards Officer, Office of Graduate Studies Due Date: September 13, 2011 Students applying for a Vanier Scholarship should also apply for NSERC PGSD or SSHRC Doctoral
Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplements (MSFSS) Available to current CGS holders If your research will involve travel outside Canada keep in mind if awarded a CGS in spring that MSFSS application deadlines are in May and September Up to $6,000. for 3-6 months abroad
Canadian Institutes in Health Research (CIHR) Doctoral competition: apply directly to CIHR using ResearchNet: Deadline October 14, 2011 Masters competition: U of G only allowed to forward 5 applications : on-line application process using ResearchNet The Canada Graduate Scholarships Master's Awards administered by CIHR are intended to provide special recognition and support to students who are pursuing a Master's degree in a health related field in Canada. These candidates are expected to have an exceptionally high potential for future research achievement and productivity.
CIHR Masters Application Process Due on-line January 5, 2012 Original hard copy transcripts must be submitted to Awards Officer, Office of Graduate Studies no later than January 5 but when you submit your U of G transcript request check off on the form “After Current Semester Grades” CIHR Webinar to be held later this month Check the Graduate Studies website for details and watch for an from your Graduate Secretary