Hamburg, NJ 2 brothers, 1 son Interests: Architecture, Engineering, Robotics, 3D Printing Activities / Sports: Ice Hockey, Baseball, Cross Country (HS), Hiking Movies: Jaws, Fight Club, Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs, Goonies, Slap Shot, Back to the Future, and Rocky TV Shows: Lost, Arrested Development, The Office, Walking Dead, Bar Rescue, Face Off Books / Comics: World War Z, Cradle to Cradle, Walking Dead, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
I would use the robot as an assistant to perform tasks of: Gathering and dispensing pucks Setting up and moving cones and obstacles around the ice for drills Providing water and other things that myself or my players may need (skate sharpening, skate tying) He should also be able to stand in as a goaltender to block shots if needed. The robot would need to be able to: Understand where it is on the ice rink Understand my commands and drills that are being done Be able to skate/ move on the ice Be able to identify, pick up and/ or move different objects.
The robot would have to be made of: a durable metal to protect itself from getting hit by a player, puck or stick. However, I would like its outer skin to be made of padding so that in the event that a player does run into it, they player will not get hurt. I would like him to be black in color because if he were to get hit by a lot of pucks, there would be black rubber marks all over him. I would also like to have some blue or green lines/ highlights on it as well.