UCL LIBRARY SERVICES Blue Ribbon Task Force on the economic sustainability of digital preservation Dr Paul Ayris Director of UCL Library Services and UCL.


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Presentation transcript:

UCL LIBRARY SERVICES Blue Ribbon Task Force on the economic sustainability of digital preservation Dr Paul Ayris Director of UCL Library Services and UCL Copyright Officer

UCL LIBRARY SERVICES Contents 1.Why is digital preservation important? 2.Implications – UK exemplars 3.Blue Ribbon Task Force

UCL LIBRARY SERVICES Contents 1.Why is digital preservation important?


Library Strategy over-arching goals E-Strategy a priority for: Teaching and Learning Research Student experience Partnership working See

UCL LIBRARY SERVICES VRE/VLE/ local web Student/UCL Library systems Social networking tools Google interface to Internet Prescribed core readings and textbooks Local UCL holdings Paper and e- External content subscribed and free Research collaborations; Primary data; Group project work; Learning interface Pay fees; book residences; pay fines; see course and exam marks; see loans information Core textbooks (STM); Digital readings (AHSS) Books/Journals/ AV/Digital Collections and Archives YouTube, FaceBook, FlickrGlobal resources - free E-Journals, E-Books, mass digitisation Institutional portal?

UCL LIBRARY SERVICES Key Strategic Questions British Museum Reading Room is traditional model Library pulls readers into library space In a networked and global environment, library is just one content provider In UCL, STM researchers hardly ever set foot into a physical library space Digital material is pushed to them electronically at their desktop Should the Library push stuff out to where the student is (e.g. Facebook)? Is an institutional portal helpful in providing a one-stop shop for the user to navigate both local and remote content and services? Thanks to Lorcan Dempsey for this metaphor and discussion

UCL LIBRARY SERVICES Implications 2. Implications – UK exemplars

UCL LIBRARY SERVICES Digital Preservation – Key Questions for Higher Education In the new information landscape, long-term digital preservation of assets is essential It is irresponsible to steer users towards the use of digital resources and not to curate those materials digitally for the long-term Several scenarios for long-term preservation of digital content: Big Science: UK Research Data Service Small Science: Institutional, third-party/commercial services

UCL LIBRARY SERVICES UK Research Data Service UKRDS RLUK (Research Libraries UK – formerly CURL) and RUGIT (Russell Group IT Directors) have issued an Invitation to Tender £200,000 from HEFCE for a Feasibility Study into the development of a shared digital research data service for UK Higher Education Institutions Locally, there is uncertainty about the costs involved in managing large data volumes and the availability of a suitably skilled workforce to manage the new challenges posed by data curation Feasibility Study will address the need not just for storage capacity but for active management of the creation, selection, ingest, storage, retrieval and preservation of research data - the data lifecycle identified in the LIFE models See

UCL LIBRARY SERVICES Other options What other options does a UK University Library have? National services which work for the academic community E-Depot in The Hague is a national Dutch exemplar Archiving e-journal copy from commercial publishers –Digital archiving policy at bielefeld.de/2006/proceedings/oltmans_vanwijngaarde n_final_web.pdfhttp://conference.ub.uni- bielefeld.de/2006/proceedings/oltmans_vanwijngaarde n_final_web.pdf Does it have a European role, if it embraces the RAND Corporation recommendations at its review? – _TR510.pdfhttp:// _TR510.pdf

UCL LIBRARY SERVICES Other options Commercial services Portico for e-journal content – over 7,000,000 preserved articles See Local digital curation services UCL Library Services has established such a service Covers long-term digital curation (including preservation) of library content E.g. output of library digitisation projects, e-prints in UCL repository Looking at primary data produced by academic researchers

UCL LIBRARY SERVICES Task Force 3. Blue Ribbon Task Force


UCL LIBRARY SERVICES Blue Ribbon Task Force on Sustainable Digital Preservation and Access BRTF-SDPA Funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, in partnership with the Library of Congress, the JISC (UK), the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR), and the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA – US) Created in late 2007 to run for 2 years

UCL LIBRARY SERVICES Key Questions being addressed How will we ensure the long-term preservation and access to our digital information, growing exponentially with each passing day? How will we successfully migrate data as technology moves from one preservation medium to the next? Who should determine which digital data should be saved, and what criteria will be used to make those decisions?

UCL LIBRARY SERVICES Economic Sustainability Economic sustainability What is the cost to preserve valuable data and who will pay for it? Broadly speaking, economically-sustainable digital preservation will require new models for channeling resources to preservation activities efficient organization that will make these efforts affordable recognition by key decision makers of the need to preserve, with appropriate incentives to spur action

UCL LIBRARY SERVICES Economic Sustainability in a Digital Preservation Context The set of business, social, technological, and policy mechanisms: Encourage the gathering of important information assets into digital preservation systems Support the indefinite persistence of digital preservation systems, thus securing access to and use of information assets into the long-term future Economically-sustainable digital preservation requires: Recognition of the benefits of preservation by key decision makers, as part of a process of selecting digital materials for long-term retention Appropriate incentives to induce decision makers to act in public interest Mechanisms to secure an ongoing allocation of resources, both within and across organizations, to digital preservation activities Efficient use of limited preservation resources Appropriate organization and governance of digital preservation activities

UCL LIBRARY SERVICES Outputs BRTF-SDPA Has taken Charlie as the starting point for the discussion Task Force needs to understand what Charlie will need… Not just to be a student or researcher Our Reports should be ground-breaking in identifying roles, responsibilities, mechanisms and models for economically-sustainable digital preservation With the goal of making Charlie an empowered, global citizen, using digital resources and services which are sustainable First Report due to be signed off at the July meeting of the Task Force

UCL LIBRARY SERVICES Because… Charlie is not simply an individual… He is each one of us… Task Force has to meet Charlies needs and to empower him/her to achieve and contribute to Society… I hope, and believe, we are up to the challenge… If you have been, thanks for listening…