Grace LeGendre Endowment Fund, Inc. (GLEF) What is this all about?
What if GLEF? A 501 (c) 3, tax exempt status fund The Fund provides women residing in NY State with a fellowship to complete master and doctorate degrees Fellowships are awarded to qualified women Special grants are given to groups or individuals for research, seminars and educational programs for all women
Who is this Grace LeGendre? President of NYS Business and Professional Women’s (BPW) Club (now called NYS Women) From Rochester New York In 1934, established the Mable Winters Scholarship Fund- forerunner of NYS/BPW State Scholarship Distinguished herself as serving as NYS Scholarship Chairman for 19 years In 1948, the State Scholarship was renamed the Grace LeGendre Fellowship
What do we do? Support women with their goals and dreams Provide educational opportunities to women Support women working toward their masters or doctorates Prepare women for the business and professional world Offer educational opportunities for NYS groups and individuals through special grant program
Why do we do it? Women need our support Women have been underserved in the education market Post graduate degrees are required for many careers Level the playing
What have we achieved? Been in operation since 1989: 25 years Given over $140,000 to over 140 individuals Awards have been given to students from 52 different NYS colleges and universities Special grants have been given to local chapters and regions for workshops, research and seminars for all women Special grant money is now available every year, showing growth from every other year
More about the Special Grants Program Began in 2004 Who is Eligible? – NYS Women, Inc. local Chapter or Region – Organizations (e.g., AAUW) not affiliated with NYS Women, Inc. Who has received a grant? – Buffalo BPW, Norwich, BPW, Youth Leadership, Grand Island (2x), PW of Finger Lakes – For programs on ID, Women’s Conference, Breast Cancer awareness, Diabetes awareness, Jumpstarting careers or businesses
How can you help? Contribute!!! All donations are tax deductible Help expand the endowment Corporate donations accepted Spread the word Urge women to apply Beneficiaries and legacies accepted
Who can apply for the fellowship? Be a woman who – Is a resident of New York State – Attends a NYS college or university – Is a US citizen and a NYS permanent resident – Is currently enrolled in a masters or doctorate degree program and within 2 years of completion – Shows evidence of scholastic ability and a need for financial assistance
NY Grace LeGendre Endowment Fund, Inc Awardees
Alycia Askew New York Chiropractic College Finger Lakes School of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Early on, Alycia decided that she wanted to help others who were struggling with their health.
Dominique Bertrand State University of New York Buffalo Pursuing her Ph.D. in Anthropology- Primatology Dominique’s dissertation research focuses on how humans influence the behavior and physiology of a critically endangered primate in Indonesia
Carmen Lee Columbia Teachers College M.A. in Early Childhood Education Carmen resolves to educate future generations on becoming more socially conscious
Choumika Simonis Teachers College at Columbia University Pursuing Masters of Science in Community Health Education Choumika’s ultimate goal is to be a physician specializing in infectious diseases and public health issues
Award Luncheon in Albany Carmen Lee and Choumika Simonis Accepting their Award at the NY GLEF Luncheon in Albany NY May 3, 2014