VISION – GOALS FOR EPSRC PORTFOLIO Benefit to UK economy and Society Tomorrow’s challenges Talented People Two way knowledge flow World leading researchers Creativity and adventure Research transcending boundaries
6 5 Strategies colour all we do looking forward › Partner Relationship Management › International Engagement › Research Careers › Grand Challenges › Empowering and Incentivisation
7 EPSRC to £0M £200M £400M £600M £800M £1,000M BudgetFull economic costs £796M £832M £839M
8 Essential Platform for the Knowledge Economy and much of the Rest of Science Securing the Future Energy NanoScience through Engineering to application TowardsNextGenerationHealthCare TowardsBetterExploitation Digital Economy Summary of future plans
9 commitments by theme
10 ESSENTIAL PLATFORM – HEALTH OF DISCIPLINE INTERNATIONAL REVIEWS Research Projects Research Programmes Signposting in Responsive Mode IDEA Factories Challenging Engineering Cross disciplinary research LOOKING TO NEW HORIZONS Advanced Equipment & Facilities Higher Return Research International Collaboration Longer Larger Different plus platforms Changing Culture
13 Then came DUIS › "Britain can only succeed in a rapidly changing world if we develop the skills of our people to the fullest possible extent, carry out world class research and scholarship, and apply both knowledge and skills to create an innovative and competitive economy. The DIUS mission is to work with our partners to meet these challenges."
16 We need to work with › Senior management in Universities › Departments › Research Groups › Researchers/Peer reviewers To get the objectives of EPSRC, DIUS (+DoH) and Government agreed and acted on! and publicising we are doing it! !!!!!Discuss!!!!!