INFORMATIONAL INTERVIEW: Law and Education? Law OR Education?
PROFESSOR GEISER Undergraduate Political Science Major University of Iowa Law School Graduate Practiced Corporate Law in North Carolina for a couple of years Went to North Carolina State for Masters in English
WHAT MADE YOU WANT TO ATTEND LAW SCHOOL? “I always thought I wanted to be a lawyer. I wanted a career and profession.”
DECISIONS OF LAW SCHOOL How did you decide which one to attend? “I applied mainly to Midwestern schools. I also applied to Fellowships. I decided to go to Iowa, where the fellowship covered full tuition, and it was high ranked.” How did you pay for it? “Fortunately, I didn’t have to pay for much. I took out loans just to live on.” Was it worth it? “Yes, it was worth it. It teaches you to think in a certain way. Law school forces you to write clearly and be more analytic.” What was the most difficult thing about law school? “Not being the best! I came from a smaller school where I was used to excelling. In law school, excelling was not as easy.”
EDUCATION What made you want to get into education? “Corporate law made me feel like I worked all the time. Being stressed out about my work all the time made me end my law career. I decided English is a little more relaxing and ran with that field.”
TEACHER AND LAWYER? This is the part where I told Professor Geiser my plan of practicing Family law and later going back to teach English in High Schools.
REMARKS ON MY PLAN -----“Keep your options open. You are young; you still have time to finalize your career plans. Try to combine these fields. Maybe you can practice Family law for a while and then return to the school system and teach English. No matter what, your future will be bright.”
REALISTIC Is doing 4 years of Undergraduate, 1 year of Graduate, and then 3 years of Law School realistic? -”Anything is realistic once you put your mind to it. You can do it if you want to. Just ensure that you are doing this for you, and not to live up to any pressuring expectations.”