FAVORITES On the Post-It I WILL GIVE YOU, respond to the following questions. What is your favorite: 1) Thing—material object you can’t live without 2) Commercial 3) TV Show & TV Channel 4) Magazine / book series / website (non gaming) 5) Movie series OR actor/actress
Methods of Persuasion! Bias and Techniques in the Media
In Your Notes… Write down your own definition of “bias”
Methods of Persuasion Often called, or referred to as… Propaganda When someone tries to change your opinion
Bandwagon Everybody’s in favor of it; join the crowd.
Plain Folks The users of this product of proponents of this course of action are simple, down-to- earth people like you and me.
Card Stacking Distorting or omitting facts; telling half- truths.
Emotional Appeals Playing on people’s emotions to promote the war effort. Usually relies on evoking fear of the perceived enemy, in the public.
Name Calling Stereotyping ideas or people with a bad label.
Demonizing Involves portraying the enemy as purely evil, menacing, ambiguity, and aggressive. Removes all ambiguity as to whom the public should hate. Enemy may be portrayed as a hairy beast or the devil himself.
Glittering Generalities Using “good” labels, such as democratic, patriotic, amazing, beautiful, and exciting, that are unsupported by facts.
Catchy Slogans Involves memorable phrases to foster support for the war effort. For example, “Remember the Alamo” or “Remember the Maine.”
Testimonials Seeking support for an idea or product by having it endorsed by a famous person such as a sports figure or movie star.
Transfer Associating a respected person or idea with whatever is being promoted, such as picturing a well-known athlete in a breakfast cereal advertisement.
Snob Appeal Only the richest, most important, or most discerning people like this idea or product.
Patriotic Appeal Involves patriotic language or symbols to appeal to national pride.
Humor or Caricatures Involves capturing the viewer’s attention through the use of humor to promote the cause. The enemy is the butt of jokes.
Methods of Persuasion Quick Review Definition of Bias: the personal judgments that individuals make in their day-to-day lives Authors, speakers, teachers… everyone! Authors, speakers, teachers… everyone! Propaganda: when someone tries to change your opinion Spreads false information in order to harm someone’s reputation Spreads false information in order to harm someone’s reputation
Make This Chart ExampleTechniqueHow Do You Know? What Clues?