8 th grade Media Messages PROJECT
Your group will craft a media message, either an advertisement or a PSA (public service announcement). It must have at least one media appeal. It must have at least one persuasive technique. It must be between 30 seconds and 3 minutes long. Everyone must participate. You will turn in your self-assessment rubric, your team planning document(s) and any developed scripts. It must be distinctive, memorable and creative.
THE MESSAGE First, focus on determining what the advertising or public-service message should communicate. What is your CLAIM?
THE “HOW” Think about which appeal to use. Focuses on how the message will be executed. Examine various appeals and execution styles that can be used to develop the ad and the tactical issues involved in the design and production of effective advertising messages.
Persuasion Writing in Medial Messages has Advertising Appeals: Logical Emotional Moral What appeal will you use?
Audience Awareness Advertisers know how to target their audiences use appropriate persuasive technique Who is your audience?
persuasive techniques used in writing name calling or innuendo – creating a negative attitude; hinting or implying; using loaded, emotional, or slanted language; glittering generalities or card stacking – telling only part of the truth; generalizing from a shred of evidence; bandwagon – creating a desire to join a large group satisfied with the idea; making one feel left out if not with the crowd; testimonials – using the declaration of a famous person or authoritative expert to give heightened credibility; appeal to prestige, snobbery, or plain folks – using a spokesperson who appeals to the audience: a well-known or appealing person the audience wants to emulate, a person like the audience members with whom they can identify, a person whose lifestyle appeals to the audience (sometimes called association); and appeal to emotions – connecting with emotions: loyalty, pity, or fear; love of family, peace, or justice.
Name Calling or Innuendo This type of ad creates a negative attitude by hinting or implying that you “wouldn’t want to buy, try, eat, or wear that!” Looks down upon another company by calling them names or saying negative things about the competition Don’t buy a gas-guzzling, gigantic SUV—the VW Beetle is just right for you!”
Glittering Generality:
Bandwagon A statement suggesting that everyone is using a specific product, so you should too.
A well-known person supports a product or service. Testimonial
Appeal to prestige/Association
Emotional Appeal A person is made to have strong feelings about a situation or product.
You MUST use one of these: name calling or innuendo glittering generalities or card stacking bandwagon Testimonials appeal to prestige, snobbery, or plain folks appeal to emotions What persuasive technique will you use?
Advertising Methods
Additional advertising methods: Loaded words - Words with strong associations such as “home,” “family,” “dishonest” and “wasteful.” Transference - Attempts to make the audience associate positive words, images, and ideas with a product and its users. Repetition - A product’s name or catchphrase is repeated over and over, with the goal of having it stick in the viewer or listener’s mind. Patriotism - The advertiser appeals to the audience’s patriotic loyalties. Facts and figures - Using statistics, research, or other data to make the product appear to be better than its competitors. Special offer - The advertiser offers a discount, coupon, free gift, or other enticement to get people to buy a product. Urgency - The advertiser makes you feel like you need the product right away. Slogan - The slogan, or tagline, should be short, catchy and poignant, because the audience’s attentions span is usually brief and fleeting.
Repetition: The name of a product is repeated many times HEAD ON Apply directly to the forehead
Slogan A catchword or phrase loaded with emotion Often sells through repetition Clever and easy to remember Stays with you a long time Often a melody you already know “ Trust Sleepy’s For the ‘rest’ Of your life”
Patriotism Purchase will display love of country. Person will financially help the country. … built American tough
Keep these additional advertising methods in mind. Loaded words Transference RepetitionPatriotism Facts and figuresSpecial offer Urgency/ExigencySlogan Will you use any modern advertising methods?
HOW?? Now that you have the : What Appeal Technique Method Tone ... How???? How will you execute your message?
Slice of life Animation Personality symbol Fantasy/ImageryDramatizationHumorMusical Straight sell or factual message Scientific/technical evidence DemonstrationComparisonTestimonial Or a combination How to advertise? Creative Execution Styles
Comparing in advertising can be extremely persuasive.
Technical Evidence/Expert opinion: Experts approve this product, so you should use it “Four out of five dentists recommend sugarless gum for their patients who chew gum”
Slice of life Animation Personality symbol Fantasy/Imagery Dramatization Humor Musical Straight sell or factual message Scientific/technical evidence DemonstrationComparisonTestimonial Or a combination Execution Styles What execution style(s) will you use?
TONE - serious - solemn - sarcastic - objective - enthusiastic - humorous - hostile - disapproving - personal - impersonal
Slogan: “Can you hear me now?” A catchy phrase or statement often used to sell a service or a product
TONE - serious - solemn - sarcastic - objective - enthusiastic - humorous - hostile - disapproving - personal - impersonal TONE – What tone will you use?
What execution style(s) will you use? What is your topic? What is your CLAIM? What appeal will you use? Who is your audience? What persuasive technique will you use? Will you use any modern advertising methods? What execution style(s) will you use? What tone will you use? There are a lot of questions to answer as you begin the creative process to NARROW DOWN this product.