Jets and Missing-ET in the Atlantis Event Display Qiang Lu, Juergen Thomas, Peter Watkins (Birmingham) Hans Drevermann (CERN) Andrew Haas (Columbia) Eric.


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Presentation transcript:

Jets and Missing-ET in the Atlantis Event Display Qiang Lu, Juergen Thomas, Peter Watkins (Birmingham) Hans Drevermann (CERN) Andrew Haas (Columbia) Eric Jansen, Pieter Klok, Charles Timmermans (Nijmegen) Simon Dean, Nikos Konstantinidis, Zdenek Maxa (UCL) Jet/Tau/ETMiss Group Meeting Paris SW Week, 8 Dec 05

Outline Producing JiveXML output from Athena and starting up Atlantis Display of Jets in various projections. Matching with Calo data Display of Missing-ET Upcoming developments - AOD objects including taus

Basics (1): Running JiveXML In default mode, Athena package JiveXML will dump xml format output file, to be read back into Atlantis (a Java standalone application) Also possible to run over a large number of events and only display (produce xml files for) a few of them (JiveXML is now an AlgTool) Default mode: Switch flag “doJiveXML=True” in RecExCommon/ Details on: esp. for 10.0.x, it is recommended to check-out JiveXML before running RecExCommon. Not needed in 11.0.xhttp:// For general help, and suggestions, please contact: 

Basics (2): Atlantis (Java) Website has plenty of documentation & tutorials: The latest Atlantis version is now available from the Offline releases (package graphics/AtlantisJava): cmt co graphics/AtlantisJava cd AtlantisJava-*/cmt cmt config source gmake atlantis Alias ‘atlantis’ available after setting up your athena environment (Alternative: reduced options and functionality: ‘atlantis_beginner’) Running under Windows / Mac as a java application works (may require installing Java 1.5 SDK) Copy directory ‘AtlantisJava-*’ from release, start atlantis.jar Note: Although Atlantis is inside the release, it has no dependency on other packages. It is a Java standalone application. Inclusion into release only to simplify distribution and code management.

Basics (3): Atlantis GUI Menu bar Window Control Interaction Control Parameter Groups Parameter Output Window

Displays for Jets (1): XY projection XY projection. (Here: WW into 4jets from DC2 production) Fisheye zoom used By default, calorimeter cell energies are displayed as yellow areas Fraction of cell outline filled is proportional to energy, normalised to sum of energy in detector (em / had). Option: normalise to overall energy.

Displays for Jets (2): Color by Jet Option for Calorimeter cell entries in XY projection to ‘Color by Index of Jet’: one colour for each jet index. Note: All colours in Atlantis are freely adjustable ! Here, defaults are shown.

Displays of Jets (3): Cuts For cuts on Jet ET, go to Parameter Group ‘Cuts’ -> ‘Calo’. For filtering low-ET jets For selection of data type: ‘Data’

Displays for Jets (4):  projection Jets displayed in  projection as circles Circle radius is proportional to ET (default) Optional switch for circle size by Energy Note: Here, electromagnetic calo cells are green, hadronic are red. Option: both yellow

Displays for Jets (5):   projection Now: ‘Color by index of Jet’ option selected. Matching of calo cells to jets can be clearly seen. ‘Pick’ on jet circles, jet data is written out: Jet = 11 ET = GeV E = GeV η =.028 Φ = °

Displays for Jets (6):  Z projection As in XY, ‘Color by Index of Jet’ indicated jet in this projection

Displays for Jets (7): Legoplot In Legoplot projection, Jets are displayed as shaded circles (grey by default) at the base plane. Default size 0.4 (adjustable) Calorimeter data represented by yellow towers (optionally: different colour for had and em) Allows for visual matching of calorimeter data with reconstructed jets

Displays for Jets (8): Legoplot Again, option ‘Color by Index of Jet’ is useful for visual matching

Displays for Missing-ET (1):  Proj. Missing-ET is displayed in  projection as one dashed (grey) circle By default, it’s MET_Final Switchable to CaloETMis and MuonETMis ‘Pick’ on dashed circle, Missing-ET value is written out: ETMis: Sum-ET = GeV ET-Mis = GeV ETx-Mis = GeV ETy-Mis = GeV Φ = °

Displays for Missing-ET (2): XY Proj. Missing-ET is displayed in XY projection as dashed line, continuing outside of the detector ETMis: Sum-ET = GeV ET-Mis = GeV ETx-Mis = GeV ETy-Mis = GeV Φ = °

Displays for Missing-ET (3): Legoplot In Legoplot, Missing-ET is a (yellow) line at the back of the plot, with height proportional to Missing-ET value Value always written out with energy axis scale

Future developments: AOD data Taus are currently not displayed in Atlantis (only if they are inside the Jet container, but then just as jets). Currently work ongoing for displaying all AOD data (already in: missing-ET, jets, to follow: electron, muons, photons, taus, b-jets, etc.) First step: include data in xml file – already done Next step: Display in   projection as circles (other shapes/ colours) with same ‘Pick’ functionality. Add cut options and extended data dumps (e.g. tau likelihoods). Add to Legoplot, and other projections Ready soon. A first impression is shown on the next slide. Your ideas about this are very much welcome !

Taus Tau is a light blue circle Note: All Tau’s in TauJetCollection are shown. Grey circles are KtTowerParticleJets. AOD Overlap still very visible. Reasonable cut needed. TauJet = 2 ET = GeV E = GeV charge = 0.0 num Tracks = 3 η = Φ = ° (Red: Electrons, yellow: Muons, dark blue: B- Jets - Will likely be modified ! E.g. shapes) Not available currently. For illustration only. Likely to be modified.

Summary Jets can be inspected in the Atlantis Event Display in many projections, shown as circles or by colouring calorimeter cells, cuts can be applied Missing-ET is also displayed in many projections. Switchable to Muon/Calo-only values Development for displaying more AOD contents, including taus, is on the way Up-to-date Atlantis is now inside releases Also new: Use of interactive Athena to re-run secondary vertexing (see Atlantis talk in PAT meeting yesterday)