Stan Bentvelsen - NIKHEF P 1
Stan Bentvelsen - NIKHEF P 2
Stan Bentvelsen - NIKHEF P 3
Stan Bentvelsen - NIKHEF P 4
Stan Bentvelsen - NIKHEF P 5 Samples for Rome 10 M background sample Event sample Defined by MC group (Ian) – weekly meetings I am contact person Top group Simulation with release 8.8.x Plan to simulate over Xmas Reconstruction with release 9.0.x Avaliable from approx February 1 M ‘signal’ sample for each physics group Free to define ourselves!
Stan Bentvelsen - NIKHEF P 6 10M sample Top B Top B B W+jets More than 2 jetspt(lept)>202MSherpa ??Oxford W+jetspt(w)>500pt(lept)>201MSherpa??Oxford Z+jetspt(lept incl nu)>201.5MSherpa ??Bruce M Z+jetspt(Z)>500pt(lept inc nu)>200.5MSherpa ??Bruce M WW2 lept M ZZ2 lept M Wgamma1 llept Alexa WZ2 lept Alexa Used to be alpgen!
Stan Bentvelsen - NIKHEF P 7 10 M samples - notes All done with initial Altas layout These form primary samples for Rome Not use the DC2 events – only for ‘testing’ your analysis on AOD Very unclear who is producing the simulation Ongoing discussion with Ian/Dario We might need help from YOU Note that for Rome we have semi-leptonic decays only with electron, muon, tau Background done with Sherpa (?)
Stan Bentvelsen - NIKHEF P 8 Our 1 M sample Various scenarios possible ttbar events with TopRex (Pythia) to include spin correlations (0.6M) Single top events using TopRex (0.4M) Di-lepton sample (included in toprex) We need to define this (if we want to use them..) Who? Interest from Nikhef for single top We need to run the GRID jobs!
Stan Bentvelsen - NIKHEF P 9 Remark I strongly advocate to use the ESD/AOD as presented by Ketevi Who is extending the common top-example that Ketevi started? We should use and analyse these fully simulated events Bottle of wine for the first analysis presented in this top group done on AOD
Stan Bentvelsen - NIKHEF P 10