Workshop on Coupling of Thunderstorms and Lightning Discharges to Near-Earth Space June 2008, University of Corsica, Corte in Corsica, France (weekends to be used for arrival and departure) Only recently discovered in the early 1990s, sprites, jets and elves, also referred to as "Transient Luminous Events (TLEs)" are unique short lived optical emissions that have presented scientists with an exciting new research field. Occurring in the lower to upper atmosphere, these "celestial fireworks" can reach from the top of thunderclouds up to the ionosphere and are direct evidence of the coupling of the lower atmosphere to the upper atmosphere. Topics to be covered in this workshop include: TLES: Red Sprites, Trolls, Elves, Halos, Blue and Giant Jets [ modelling and observations ] Thunderstorm and Lightning Activity Global Atmospheric Electric Circuit Lightning-Induced Electron Precipitation (LEP) Events Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes and the Sprite Connection Lightning Effects on Mesospheric Airglow Response of the Atmosphere to TLEs Current and Future TLE Missions Instrumental Techniques (imaging, VLF,...) Scientific Organizing Committee : Norma Crosby, Belgium (co-coordinator) Tai-Yin Huang, USA (co-coordinator) Elisabeth Blanc, France, TARANIS Martin Fullekrug, U.K. Christian Hanuise, France, GDRE, France Boris Khrenov, Russia Torsten Neubert, Denmark, ASIM Jean-Francois Santucci, University of Corsica, Corte, France Yukihiro Takahashi, Japan
Workshop on Coupling of Thunderstorms and Lightning Discharges to Near-Earth Space June 2008, University of Corsica, Corte in Corsica, France (weekends to be used for arrival and departure) SCIENTIFIC BACKGROUND : Only recently discovered in the early 1990s, sprites, jets and elves, also referred to as "Transient Luminous Events (TLEs)" are unique short lived optical emissions that have presented scientists with an exciting new research field. Occurring in the lower to upper atmosphere, these "celestial fireworks" can reach from the top of thunderclouds up to the ionosphere and are direct evidence of the coupling of the lower atmosphere to the upper atmosphere. WHY A SECOND TLE WORKSHOP IN EUROPE : Following the success of the NATO ASI "Sprites, Elves, and Intense Lightning Discharges" held at the University of Corsica, Corte in Corsica, France, July 2004, many European initiatives in lightning related TLEs have developed: ASIM (Atmosphere-Space Interactions Monitor): a monitor to be flown on the external pallet of the Columbus module, which is one of the European Space Agency contributions to the International Space Station [ approved by the Human Spaceflight Programme Board in 2003 and selected by ESA for phase B study in December 2006 ]. TARANIS (Tool for the Analysis of RAdiations from lightNIngs and Sprites): a micro-satellite project of the French national space programme [ currently under Phase B study ]. E-CANES (Electromagnetic Coupling of the Atmosphere with Near Earth-Space): European Research Group (GDRE) project [ has received the agreement to go forward ]. Camera system to be set up on Corsica early summer 2007, so it will also be running in the summer of In parallel, the four-year EU FP5 funded Research Training Network project "Coupling of Atmospheric Layers (CAL)" ended last year.
AIM OF WORKSHOP : An European initiative, this workshop aims to better understand and identify the links between thunderstorms and near-Earth space including Earth's upper atmosphere and ionosphere. Using the interdisciplinary approach the workshop will emphasize TLE related observations, modelling as well as instrumentation. The event will be built on a workshop environment atmosphere and will consist of invited and contributed talks, and an interactive poster session. There will be organized working group sessions targeted at the different TLE communities (ASIM, TARANIS, E-CANES, etc.) and ample time for discussing current projects and future collaborations. Topics to be covered in this workshop include: TLES: Red Sprites, Trolls, Elves, Halos, Blue and Giant Jets [ modelling and observations ] Thunderstorm and Lightning Activity Global Atmospheric Electric Circuit Lightning-Induced Electron Precipitation (LEP) Events Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes and the Sprite Connection Lightning Effects on Mesospheric Airglow Response of the Atmosphere to TLEs Current and Future TLE Missions Instrumental Techniques (imaging, VLF,...) Scientific Organizing Committee : Norma Crosby, Belgium (co-coordinator) Tai-Yin Huang, USA (co-coordinator) Elisabeth Blanc, France, TARANIS Martin Fullekrug, U.K. Christian Hanuise, France, GDRE, France Boris Khrenov, Russia Torsten Neubert, Denmark, ASIM Jean-Francois Santucci, University of Corsica, Corte, France Yukihiro Takahashi, Japan