Curriculum and Instruction Council March, 2012
Welcome and Introductions
State Ed Update Maybe we’ll have an early budget!
Dignity Act Requirements still look like: Revised VADIR reporting Trained point person for each building Annual education requirements for teachers and students Revisions to Codes of Conduct
Dignity Act Support for schools available from Youth Development (inside of School Improvement); $850/building ($1050 non- components) “Advance” training on May 21st
Dignity Act Annual training for Coordinators & Compliance Officers Newsletter; webinars; seminars; workshops Annual faculty meeting presentation for school Technical assistance School climate surveys Dignity Act instructional materials and resources
Standards The Next Generation Science Standards are due out in draft form this spring and are scheduled to be finalized by next winter. Pending Regents approval, Common Core-aligned Social Studies Standards should be released this spring ???
CR Accountability Credit acquisition Laboratory requirements Diploma awarding Credit recovery
ESEA Waiver Local assistance plan schools Focus districts and subsequently identified schools Priority schools Reward and recognition schools
Other Updates Mandate hearing – action??? Assessment timeline, $$$???
Legislative Updates
Target Language Participating DistrictsStatus FrenchFayetteville-Manlius, LaFayette, Liverpool, W. Genesee, Westhill, Tully, Baldwinsville One exam finished Second exam in proofing status Indications are will need to meet ½ day GermanFayetteville-Manlius, BaldwinsvilleFinished ItalianSolvayOne exam finished LatinFayetteville-Manlius, LiverpoolOne exam finished Second exam in proofing SpanishFabius-Pompey, Fayetteville- Manlius, LaFayette, Marathon, N. Syracuse, OCM, Solvay, Sandy Creek, W. Genesee, Westhill, Tully, Baldwinsville, DeRuyter Four exams finished Completing final formatting Note: Practice exams are also completed prior to proofing status for all target languages.
LOTE Group Requests: Consistent common administration- Regents schedule suggests Monday June 18 That there is one consistent version of tests administered in June – and that they don’t know which one in advance.
Upcoming CI&A: Literacy Strategies: Vocabulary- March 14 Co-Teaching: Now What- March 15 Teaching with Poverty in Mind- March 22 Responsive Classroom Level One- March 26
Summer Draft Based on February BCIC data CCLS ELA Getting Started –June 28 CCLS Literacy -July 11 CCLS ELA Design Instruction K-5- August 9 CCLS ELA Design Instruction August 22 Formative Assessment How and What- Aug 16 Responsive Classroom I- Aug Project Based Learning- August (two days each for elementary and secondary- third day to follow in September)
CI&A Upcoming Sessions
PBL Should we schedule summer sessions? 2 days summer, one day in November Elementary cohort? Secondary cohort?
Target LanguageParticipating Districts Chinese0 French7Fayetteville-Manlius, LaFayette, Liverpool, W. Genesee, Westhill, Tully, Baldwinsville German2Fayetteville-Manlius, Baldwinsville Italian2Solvay Latin2Fayetteville-Manlius, Liverpool Spanish15Fabius-Pompey, Fayetteville-Manlius, LaFayette, Marathon, N. Syracuse, OCM, Solvay, Sandy Creek, W. Genesee, Westhill, Tully, Baldwinsville, DeRuyter As of Jan Checkpoint B
BOCES Network Team Districts Non-Network Team Districts CI&A WorkshopsUnlimited; no balance kept CI&A Onsite Days 1, 2, or 3 days depending on district size (unscheduled days released in February) 1, 2, or 3 days depending on district size Network Team Workshops & Large- Group Meetings Unlimited 3-8 & Regents Regional Scoring Included at hub locations School Improvement Projects No change, can be run either as a share or follow up (within 18 months of original event) NYS Reform Agenda District-Specific Planning and Technical Assistance UnlimitedBilled per diem Network Team Onsite Support Up to 5 days (unscheduled days released in February) Billed per diem Lead Evaluator TrainingUnlimitedBilled per participant Principal Evaluator Training UnlimitedBilled per Participant Large-scale Regional Events (Solution Tree, Math Solutions, etc.) Continued subsidization for free seats Seats at cost (run through School Improvement) Next Year
June 25 th & 26 th Rodax 8 Limited to 100 educators Teachers and leaders w/ CNY Teacher Center Solution Tree Common Assessment Institute BOTH AUTHORS!
Teams of 2-3 teachers (on-line application) Create SLO example (post in bank) All content areas/bands Required 1 hr training 3 hrs to create example $25/hour = $100 each teacher for acceptable example w/ CNY Teacher Center SLO Example & Bank Development
Ken Kay suggestion “Civility” What if students created a rubric Apply it to the campaign An Idea for the 5 th C
Race To The Top I think I can I think I can…
Math Solutions K-8 teachers of math K-2, 3-5, 6-8 bands 3 days Use NT funds for institute August 8, 9, 10 (Rodax/Henry)
RTTT Road Map
Six Shifts of DDI Shifts in Data Driven Instruction Shift 1 Data belongs with teachers working collaboratively Collaboration of teachers is expected and valued. Teachers work together and take collective responsibility for student learning. Sufficient time for meaningful collaboration is built into every schedule. Protocols are in place to guide data inquiry processes. Shift 2 Emphasis on formative assessment A balanced assessment system uses classroom assessments, common formative assessments, common interim assessments, and summative assessments to paint a balanced picture of student progress. Unlike summative assessments, formative assessments take on a more prominent role in the balanced assessment system due to the quality and immediacy of the data collected. To reflect this importance, common assessments are calendared, administered, scored, and analyzed collaboratively. Shift 3 Assess what is important A guaranteed and viable curriculum is provided to all students and drives the assessment system. Teachers clearly identify, communicate, and assess the knowledge, skills, and dispositions that are the priority for each unit and course. Shift 4 Take meaningful action Rather than waiting on summative data, teachers quickly respond to the data gathered from formative and interim assessments. It is this careful examination of student work that creates the foundation for all current and future curriculum, program, and instructional decisions. Shift 5 A commitment to continuous improvement The status quo can never be an option. All educators must constantly search for better ways to achieve mutual goals and increase achievement for all students. All programs, policies, and practices are continually assessed on their contribution to student learning. Shift 6 Commitment to student involvement The power of formative assessments are only truly recognized when students are included as users of the data. Therefore, students must play an integral role in the assessment process. Students must be able to assess and monitor their own progress in order to set individual goals for learning. Data belongs with teachers working collaboratively Emphasis on formative assessment Assess what is important Take meaningful action A commitment to continuous improvement Commitment to student involvement
Balanced Assessment System Classroom Assessments Common Formative Assessments Common Interim Assessments Student Learning Objectives External Assessments Examples Worksheets, classroom response, whiteboards, exit tickets, conferences, student self- assessment Chapter/unit tests, final projects Common tasks and prompts assessed with rubric, quizzes Performances, tests, or writing prompts given every 6-8 weeks Growth measures designed for use with the APPR growth and local achievement 3-8 tests, Regents exams, SAT, AP Format Very formative; can be diagnostic if used prior to instruction Mostly summativeFormative Formative and summative SummativeVery summative Responsibili ty Classroom teachers Grade level/discipline teams of teachers working together. District teams of representative teachers may also look at the data Teachers and lead evaluators/principals An external group of “experts” Purpose Provides immediate feedback and guides instructional decisions Provision of grades To assess student learning in order to make instructional decisions. Also serves to assess curriculum, instruction, and pacing. Conversion to scores for use in teacher and principal evaluation Accountability and placement
PLC Assessment System Prioritization Unpacking Assessment Design Planning & Mapping Taking Action Involving Students DDI “text”
Upgrading “units”
Regional Scoring Hub meetings Pick-up? What questions are popping up? Next steps?
Curriculum and Instruction Council Next Meeting: April 19, 2012