French-Spanish collaboration within the ALICE experiment Ginés Martínez García Subatech, Nantes, France Néstor Armesto Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Preface Experiment at the LHC; Spanish teams have joined ALICE recently: –Collaboration meeting in Bologna in 2006; Many topics of common interest have been identified; Spanish contribution reminds modest: 1 permanent physicist at CIEMAT and 3 physicists of the theoretical group from Santiago de Compostela. Meeting in2p3 - mcinn, jan 12th 2009, Madrid, Spain 2
3 Phases of matter
Goal of the HI program Understanding of hadron mass in the Standard Model - confinement - through the creation of extended regions with large energy densities (parametric estimates: ~4-40 GeV/fm 3 for V~1000 fm 3 ). Meeting in2p3 - mcinn, jan 12th 2009, Madrid, Spain 4 Complementary to other LHC high-energy studies - potential for discovering new phenomena at high energy density - using the same accelerator and detectors.
LHC running P2 Meeting in2p3 - mcinn, jan 12th 2009, Madrid, Spain 5 Systems NN 1/2 (TeV)L 0 (cm -2 s -1 ) /L 0 Run time (s yr -1 ) (b) Statistics pp14< X10 12 PbPb ~50% X10 9 Nominal conditions Other Heavy-Ion like systems: pp 5.5 TeV, pPb, lighter ions (O, Ar, Kr, Sn). QGP
A Large heavy Ion Collider Experiment Meeting in2p3 - mcinn, jan 12th 2009, Madrid, Spain 6 LoI LHCC (March 1 st 1993), TP LHCC 95-71, TDRs ( ), PPRs JoP G30 11 (2004) & JoP G32 10 (2006), 1st Physics publication expected in y z x Side A Side C Inside LHC
ALICE collaboration Meeting in2p3 - mcinn, jan 12th 2009, Madrid, Spain 7 ~ 1000 members (63% from CERN member states); 30 countries; 100 laboratories; France M&O-2008 member list around 11%; Spain/Cuba M&O-2008 member list around 1%.
Topics of common interest Hard probes: –Quarkonia and open heavy flavours; –High-p T particles and jets; Alice computing grid: –Tiers-2 developments; Future ALICE detector upgrades. Meeting in2p3 - mcinn, jan 12th 2009, Madrid, Spain 8
Quarkonia Physics Color screening of the heavy quark potential; New energy domain at LHC: large number of HQ pairs; Measuring upsilon resonances. Meeting in2p3 - mcinn, jan 12th 2009, Madrid, Spain 9
Quarkonia in ALICE Meeting in2p3 - mcinn, jan 12th 2009, Madrid, Spain 10 Heavy quarkonia states, heavy quark production in the muon & electron channel; Charmonia from p T =0 GeV/c; Separation of Upsilon states; Acceptance | |<0.9 & -2.5< <-4.0; Potential complications: Cold nuclear matter effects; Feed-down from higher resonances; B-hadron decays. ALICE muon Spectrometer Measurement of c production in proton-proton collisions via its radiative decay +J/ ; Item developed by the CIEMAT group within the PWG3 group. Measurement of c production in proton-proton collisions via its radiative decay +J/ ; Item developed by the CIEMAT group within the PWG3 group.
c Analysis c (M=3.5GeV) J/ (M=3.1 GeV) + l + +l - Photon detected via external conversion in the ALICE TPC: Meeting in2p3 - mcinn, jan 12th 2009, Madrid, Spain 11 P. Ladrón de Guevara et al., Hard Probes 2008 arXiv:08: v1 [hep-ex] P. Ladrón de Guevara et al., Hard Probes 2008 arXiv:08: v1 [hep-ex] Work in progress: Trigger efficiency, extrapolation to AA. Collaboration with A. Marin, GSI ee ee ll ll cc
Energy loss of Heavy Quarks Suppression of high-p T particles has been one of the golden observations at RHIC; Interpretation of these data based on the energy loss of quarks and gluons crossing the QGP (in which Santiago is a leading international group); At LHC energies, muons will provide a non-ambiguous observation of beauty quark energy loss. Meeting in2p3 - mcinn, jan 12th 2009, Madrid, Spain 12 N. Armesto et al., PRD 71, (2005).
Muon distribution at the LHC W as a medium blind reference of the beauty Eloss in QGP. Meeting in2p3 - mcinn, jan 12th 2009, Madrid, Spain 13 DecayCollisionStatistics Muonicp-p, 14 TeV MuonicPb-Pb, 5.5 TeV, MB MuonicPb-Pb, 5.5 TeV, 0- 10CC 6000 Z. Conesa del Valle et al. PLB663, 202 (2008)
ALICE Computing Grid Standard computing Model: –Tier0 (CERN), Tier1, Tier2; Lower event rate, but larger event size; Requirements: –CPU ~ 80 MSi2K; –DISK ~ 30 PB; –MSS ~ 40 PB; Meeting in2p3 - mcinn, jan 12th 2009, Madrid, Spain 14 France: 1 Tier1 and 6 Tier2; Spain: 1 Tier2
ALICE Tier2 Averaged ALICE Tier2: –1.7 MSI2K CPU and 270 TB disk; Spain (Tier2 Madrid/Trujillo): –0.18 MSI2K CPU and 35 TB disk and 60 TB MSS. Meeting in2p3 - mcinn, jan 12th 2009, Madrid, Spain 15 Potential collaboration: Development of one new Tier2; Analysis facilities. Potential collaboration: Development of one new Tier2; Analysis facilities.
Other collaborations Organization of Conferences: –Contribution of IN2P3 to Hard Probes 2008 and Hot Quarks 2008; European networks of I3HP2 7FP: –JetCal (Jet Physics in HIC); –ReteQuarkonii (Quarkonia Physics in HIC); Other French-Spanish collaborations: –Ecole Polytechnique and LPT Orsay about cold nuclear matter effects; –LPTHE Jussieu about jets in heavy ion collisions. Meeting in2p3 - mcinn, jan 12th 2009, Madrid, Spain 16
Future plans Reinforcement and extension of the collaborations; training within EU networks; Extension of studies of heavy quark energy loss to charm; Studies of jet reconstruction with the TPC+ EMCAL in the heavy ion environment; Enlargement of the contribution to the ALICE-GRID; Future detector upgrades. Meeting in2p3 - mcinn, jan 12th 2009, Madrid, Spain 17