Ministry of Finance of Estonia Conference in Vilnius 9 December 2004 “Recent Development and Current Challenges in the field of Public Procurement in Europe” Expert view from Estonia Aime Võsu Ministry of Finance
Ministry of Finance of Estonia Conference in Vilnius 9 December 2004 “Recent Development and Current Challenges in the field of Public Procurement in Europe” Background Responsibilities: - Ministry of Finance: PP policy, drafting PP law; -Public Procurement Office: supervision of the PPA, protests and complaints review, maintaining of PP register. -Amendments to bring PPA into compliance with EC PP directives and standard forms in force since 1 January 2004
Ministry of Finance of Estonia Conference in Vilnius 9 December 2004 “Recent Development and Current Challenges in the field of Public Procurement in Europe” ES03/IB/TWP/FIN/13 (Austria, Estonia) Assistance to the Ministry of Finance of Estonia for improving administrative capacity in the field of public procurement (start April 2004, end December 2004 Twinning project EE02-IB-SPP01 “Completing the Preparations for the Management of EU Structural Funds in Estonia”
Ministry of Finance of Estonia Conference in Vilnius 9 December 2004 “Recent Development and Current Challenges in the field of Public Procurement in Europe” Objectives of the program: to transpose the principles of new PP directives into Estonian law; training of contracting authorities to achieve better understanding in PP directives principles; raising of administrative capacity on all levels.
Ministry of Finance of Estonia Conference in Vilnius 9 December 2004 “Recent Development and Current Challenges in the field of Public Procurement in Europe” Output 1 – assistance to draft a new Public Procurement Act - opportunity to use expertise of judges of PPO on drafted PPA, to learn best practise of partner; - different legal environment of the beneficiary and partner (laws, organisation of PP system, PP register); - uncertainty concerning new procedures provided by new PP directives.
Ministry of Finance of Estonia Conference in Vilnius 9 December 2004 “Recent Development and Current Challenges in the field of Public Procurement in Europe” Output 2 – training concerning “old” EC public procurement directives (4 two days regional seminars for contracting authorities) -well prepared seminar materials; -experience of experts as lecturers on different level; -difficulties with translation; -connecting with national law necessary during seminar.
Ministry of Finance of Estonia Conference in Vilnius 9 December 2004 “Recent Development and Current Challenges in the field of Public Procurement in Europe” Output 3 – assistance to prepare Guidelines for contracting authorities -advice on compiling of national guidelines complicated (mainly explaining principles from the point of view of ECJ jurisdiction); -difficulties of structural funds implementing units connected with starting to follow national PP rules; -translation and time restriction problems.
Ministry of Finance of Estonia Conference in Vilnius 9 December 2004 “Recent Development and Current Challenges in the field of Public Procurement in Europe” Output 4 – raising of administrative capacity -good co-operation between beneficiary and Austrian partner; -opportunity to learn best practice of partner and other Member States (UK, Sweden); -seminars for the officials of MoF and PPO.
Ministry of Finance of Estonia Conference in Vilnius 9 December 2004 “Recent Development and Current Challenges in the field of Public Procurement in Europe” Organisational issues, future steps -problems with planning of expert visits – insufficient flexibility; -heavy worksload of experts during expert visits – flat rate not used properly; - further training of contracting authorities and entities on all levels.