Corruption in Medicine Procurement: Ukrainian case Andrei Marusov, head of the board, TI Ukraine Expert Center for Political Studies & Analysis journalist
Health and medicines Top three causes of morbidity in Ukraine: 1.Cardiovascular diseases 2.Nervous system diseases 3.Oncology Medicines communities most concerned 1.Anti-cancer drugs 2.Antiretroviral drugs 3.Pegylated interferon 4.Drugs to treat rheumatoid arthritis Top three medicines procured In terms of costsIn terms of quantity RituximabVaccines PegaspargasePaediatric cancer drugs PegfilgrastymAnti-hemophilic drugs
Corruption in Ukraine Evident everywhere TI Corruption Perception Index – 152 nd place out of 183 countries Corruption in health care: from planning to supplying… Health Ministry’s response: introduction of reference prices NGOs’ response: monitoring, uncovering corruption, public protests… (Network of PLWH, UCAB, Krona, Anticorruption Center…)
Governance Corruption: Law on Main Principles to Prevent & Combat Corruption Oversight bodies: General Prosecutor’s Office, Ministry of Internal Affairs, State Security Service. (also – Taxation Police, Customs Service, State Finance Inspection…) There is special Law about fighting organized crime Whistleblower protection: declared in the law about main principles to prevent corruption…
Governance Access to Information: Law about access to public information (2011). Each gov’tal body has special unit handling information requests; as a rule, they should answer within 5 days. In practice, gov’tal bodies do not answer, incomplete answer etc Law about public procurement: Key info must be published on state web portal, including: Announcement about the bid Bid documentation Info about all bidders, their proposals, the winner and its proposal, why the winner was chosen etc Access to PP web portal is free of charge!
CS response and opportunities Two groups of anti-corruption NGOs: Lobbying policy changes (like TI Ukraine) (“policy fighters”) Monitoring, uncovering, making it public, submitting protests (“abuses fighters”) (PLWH, UCAB, Anticorruption Action Center) Corruption investigations by media – “it is cool”! Problems: Just a few “abuses fighters” (PLWH is the leader) Weak cooperation between NGOs, between NGOs and other sectors (but there is NGO partnership “For fair procurement” Promising: coalition of NGOs, media, parliamentarians (Anticorruption Center)
CS response and opportunities What CS need to fight better? Better work with media Better work with international journalists Building CS coalitions around the issue Creating pool of experts Balance between policy analysis and abuse uncovering And also Resources Expertise Be brave and do not stop!
Media Situation with media in Ukraine: Journalists are beaten, (but) not killed Those who beat are not punished Journalists are not listened to by authorities Strong tendency – to get journalists imprisoned (diffamation law) Media is active in uncovering public procurement corruption, including in health care. There are success stories Media focus: concrete abuses, bribes, deteriorating health care system etc There is a series of training courses on PP, journalist investigations…