Different models and procurement NSN Exhibition and Conference, November 2011
What we will cover in this session: 2 1) What is the right model? 2) Questions to ask 3) A quick note on Procurement
Partners, Sponsors or Going Solo Broadly there are three free school models to consider: ▪ A promoter run school ▪ A sponsor run school ▪ A school provider model (management company run some or all functions) Also a hybrid of the above, one of which could include a parent promoted maintained school in which the local authority becomes the sponsor following evidence of parental demand for a particular approach.
Promoter run school ▪ Retain control for realising the vision, initial school set up, governance (the Trust & formation of governing body), steady state ▪ Responsibility for hiring the principal & overseeing the school ▪ Clear line of responsibility & accountability & single relationship to manage with DfE ▪ Capacity & expertise (educational & organisational) to run school effectively? ▪ Level of accountability? ▪ Long term involvement? NB Teacher led promoter groups or those with an identified PD may apply for certain exemptions
Sponsor run school ▪ Partnership with existing charitable education provider with necessary knowledge, expertise & capacity (in set up/school operation) ▪ Promoter represented through advisory body or on governing body ▪ Sponsor led Trust is accountable to DfE ▪ Choice of partner critical ▪ Do they understand/share your vision and values ( the sponsor will decide its running on a day to day basis, likely to have a clear educational model)? ▪ What is the governance model & how will you be involved? Could there be additional parent governors? ▪ Will the sponsor deliver the school you are looking to establish?
School provider model ▪ Proposers form the Academy Trust, sign Funding Agreement with the DfE and retain control of vision to implementation ▪ Are able to decide where help is needed & in what form ▪ Can outsource part or all of running of school to organisations with specific expertise eg site management, back office functions (charitable, non-profit, commercial) ▪ Why/what conditions for appointing 3 rd party? ▪ How to procure & manage company ensuring clear accountability structures? ▪ Trust remains accountable for performance of school
Questions to ask yourself 7 1) What is our elevator pitch? 2) What are our skills gaps 3) What involvement do we want in the long term? 4) What are our ‘red lines’?
8 Skills Gaps
Questions to ask them 9 1) Track Record 2) Educational Model 3) Governance 4) Accountability
A quick note on procurement 10 1) You will have to procure things – regardless of the model 2) The principles are good principles 3) Always ask yourself ‘what would an opponent say’?