Report from the Particle Astrophysics Advisory Panel Particle Astrophysics Advisory Panel Report
Outline Our input to the Prioritisation process Outcome of Prioritisation Our response Priorities in present climate Opportunities Present status
Tempe rature (µK)
UK Particle Astrophysics Astrophysical Neutrinos (MINOS, T2K, SNO+, Supernemo, IceCube, KM3net, LAGUNA) CMB polarisation studies (QUAD, PLANCK, CLOVER) Cosmic rays (AUGER South, ANITA, ACORNE) Direct dark matter detection (CRESST, EDELWEISS, ZEPLIN, DRIFT, ArDM, plans for EURECA, LUX-ZEPLIN) Gamma ray astronomy (Ground-based: HESS, VERITAS, plans for CTA, space-based: INTEGRAL, SWIFT, plans for FERMI) Gravitational wave detection (GEO, LIGO, Advanced-LIGO, LISA) Particle astrophysics theory (cosmology, DM, GWs, neutrinos and particle accel.) Before Prioritisation
Advisory Panel Overlaps Particle astrophysics theory – PPAP and FUAP Gamma ray astronomy - FUAP Direct dark matter detection - PPAP, NPAP Gravitational wave detection - FUAP Neutrinos - PPAP CMB polarisation studies - FUAP
Recommendations AreaBreadthRiskImpactUK StrengthCost Gamma Rays MediumLowMedium/HighMediumLow Cosmic raysLow/MediumLowMedium/HighMedium/LowLow CMB PolLowHigh Medium Dark MatterLowHigh Medium Gravity Waves Medium/HighMediumHigh NeutrinoMedium/HighMediumMedium/High Medium
Recommendations We recommend supporting a portfolio of facilities in particle astrophysics that balances scientific breadth, impact, UK strength and cost and includes strong support for theory and exploitation of facilities.
Prioritisation Outcome
Of the 4 essential areas recommended, only one (Gravity Waves) received funding beyond the next few months No provision for future direct searches for dark matter (Peer review of EURECA & LUX ZEPLIN aborted) No provision for future Gamma-Rays (Peer review of CTA aborted) Astrophysical neutrinos not supported Additionally, No provision for future CMB polarisation work No provision for future Cosmic Rays work
Since then... Cerenkov Telescope Array Very highly ranked (13.5/15) in the FP7 "Preparatory Phase" call: well above funding threshold. The UK leads one of the three telescope types in this 6 Meuro proposal CTA-UK intend to continue in this role with EU, Leverhulme Trust, and University funding. Warning: Opportunity for leadership of key WP in transformative project is rapidly being endangered.
Since then... ZEPLIN Advised to apply to AGP for exploitation-only grant Statements regarding managed withdrawal from Boulby softened Timing of funding crisis completely at odds with the scientific case for direct (and indirect searches)
Since then... EDELWEISS - EURECA UK groups remain fully committed to EURECA The EURECA collaboration has expressed a strong wish that Hans Kraus remain their spokesman, despite the regrettable UK funding situation. For now, contingency plan is to continue with EDELWEISS as best as is possible in the current climate. Warning: an opportunity for UK lead roles in both the main technologies is being missed
Since then... LAGUNA and underground physics FP7 Design study evaluating sites - Boulby? Lack of UK commitment cannot help ILIAS positively reviewed by the EU in the context of the call FP7-Infrastructures Case for (UK)NF stronger?
Since then... AUGER The UK has given notice that it will withdraw from the Auger Collaboration on 31 December STFC will pay operating costs until that time and the grants to Leeds and Oxford, which would otherwise have run out in the next few months, have been extended on a no extra cost basis to allow UK involvement to continue until that date.
Since then...
Fresh Advice The present outcome does irreparable damage to well established, world class science. Particle Astrophysics is internationally recognised as a growth area, in which the UK has genuine strength. The present outcome removes our ability to participate in future projects, and wastes past investment. At an absolute minimum, it is essential to maintain a base level of support in gamma-ray astronomy, direct searches for dark matter, and astrophysical neutrinos (as well as gravity waves). The cost envelope to do so is surprisingly small Gamma rays: c. £200k/a; Dark matter c. £500 k/a; Neutrinos c. £200k/a Science and Technology Ctte, The Impact of Spending Cuts on Science and Scientific ResearchThe Impact of Spending Cuts on Science and Scientific Research