Inequalities of Gender Chapter 7
Issues of Sex & Gender Gender inequality Unequal access to power, prestige, and property on the basis of sex Sex: biological characteristics Gender: social characteristics attributed to each sex
Biology vs. Culture Culture: Anthropological re-examination Types of work Biological causation Female crime rates
Biology vs. Culture Biology Patriarchies & matriarchies Male hierarchies Lower male threshold for expressing dominance Exceptional examples
Biology or Culture? Ongoing debate Dominant View in Sociology: Symbolic Interactionism Opening the door to biology
Gender Inequality: Global Perspective Sex Typing of Work Activities associated with one sex or the other Prestige of Work Greater prestige, typically, is given to male work activities
Gender Inequality: Global Perspective Education Politics The Pay Gap Violence Against Women
Gender Inequality in Theoretical Perspective Childbirth and Social Experiences Evaluating the Theory
Gender Inequality in Canada The Rise of Feminism First wave Nellie McClung Second Wave
Gender Inequality In Education In Everyday Life Devaluation of the feminine
Gender Inequality In the Workplace Participation in the Labour Force The Pay Gap The “Glass Ceiling” or “Escalator” The “Mommy Track” Sexual Harassment
Gender Inequality (cont.)
Gender Inequality (cont.)
Gender Inequality (cont.)
Gender & Violence Violence against women Rape/Sexual Assault Date Rape Murder Violence in the home
Feminist Understanding of Gender patterns in Violence Possible Solutions
Gender & Change Politics Women in Sports Changing Roles of Men
Glimpsing the Future—With Hope Structural barriers New consciousness