ENGLISH You need 4 English classes to graduate: English 9 or Honors Academy English 9 English 10 or Honors Academy English 10 English 11 or Honors Academy English 11 English 12 or Yavapai College Eng. 101/102
MATH You need 4 years of Math starting with Algebra I. Algebra I or Algebra IA (elective) and Alg. IB (math) Geometry Algebra II Discrete Math or YC Pre-Calc. and YC Calc., YC College Algebra/College Math
SCIENCE You need 3 years of science. All our sciences are lab sciences. On line science are not considered lab sciences. For a 4-year University they must be lab sciences. Biology or Foundations of General Science Chemistry or Earth Science or Anat/Phys. or Forensics or ABS 1-2 (elective) and ABS 3-4(biology equivalent) Physics or Biotech or Agriscience I-II or YC Viticulture
SOCIAL STUDIES You need 3 years of social studies to graduate. Your first year starts as a Sophomore. World History or Honors Academy World History American/Arizona History or Honors Academy Am/AZ History American Government/Free Enterprise or Honors Academy Govt./Free Enterprise.
PHYSICAL EDUCATION You need one year of P.E. to graduate. Counselors will automatically put all Freshmen in LH & F. Freshmen Year- Lifetime Health and Fitness Strength and Conditioning(Boys) or Women's Fitness (Girls) (starting in 10th grade) or Lifesports. Interscholastic Sports (Freshmen to Seniors) Athletic Sports (.25 credit for each sport) You need 4 to get a PE credit.
FINE ARTS/CTE You need one Fine Arts or CTE credit to graduate. If you are going to a 4-year University you need the Fine Arts credit. For scholarships you need to take the FINE ARTS.
FINE ARTS WHAT'S CONSIDERED A FINE ARTS: Introduction to Drama/Theatre Advanced Drama/Theatre Stagecraft Art I, Art II, and Art Portfolio Ceramics Band, Percussion, and Ensemble Varsity Choir, Concert Choir, and Bel-Canto
CTE CTE is Career Technical Education and it's part of Mountain Institute JTED. Career Prep Health and Career Prep Industrial Tech. Agricultural Biological System (ABS 1-2 and ABS 3-4) and Agriscience I-II Forensics and Biotech Culinary Principles and Culinary Applications Draft and Design I and II
ELECTIVES You need 6 electives to graduate. For a 4-year University you need two years of a foreign language of the same language. You also need it for scholarships. Spanish I and II French I and II (on-line $50 per semester). Fine Arts CTE Work Study (counselor approval) Other JTED (starts 11th grade)
OTHER ELECTIVES MI ABS 1-2 YC Aquaculture Teen Leadership/Leadership Stud Co Academic Decathlon VideoYearbook Student Aide, Office Aide, Counselor Aide, Library Aide (must have a 2.5 GPA minimum and be 11th or 12th grader) Star Club Unified Sports (pick-up application from the counselors)
WORK STUDY/EARLY RELEASE To qualify for work study you must bring in a paycheck stub. Letters from employers will not be accepted. counts as 1 elective credit and must be an 11th or 12th grader. 200 hours per semester. If you failed the first semester you will automatically lose work study. To qualify for Early Release you must be an 11 th or 12 th grader and be on track to graduate. A student must attend at least 5 classes not including lunch or JTED for early release. Work study can be used for early release as one of the 5 classes as long as the student is on track to graduate.
MI JTED JTED is mostly electives except for Med. Prof. first part where you can get a science credit. Medical Profession I (take CP-Health sophomore year) Welding (take CP-Industrial Tech sophomore year) AutomotiveAviationPre-EngineeringLineman Med. Assist., CNA, Sports Medicine Draft and Design Education Profession Culinary
COMPUTER BASED INSTRUCTION (CBI) Fresh Courses- a course on line that you have not taken in the classroom before. Counselor approval only. Credit Recovery- a course taken on line to gain back a credit lost due to an "F." Counselor approval only. CBI is offered during the day at school or you can take it at home. You have a certain amount of time to complete the course. If the course is not completed then an "F" will be given. Grand Canyon University- college credit on line See your counselor for more details.
INTERSCHOLASTIC SPORTS Interscholastic sports is during 7th hour only. You must finish the semester for Interscholastic sports even when the sport you are playing is over for the season. The only way to be moved is sport to sport. FootballBaseballBasketballWrestlingSoccer Track and Field
COUGAR CENTER How to make an appointment to see your counselor. Sign-up at the Cougar Center at the counselor aide desk. Please put your full name, period and teacher in which you want to be called in and the reason. Transcripts: put name on transcript request sheet located in the cougar center counselor aide desk. For official transcript see Registrar. Mrs. D'Angelo (A-L and Honors Academy) Mr. Campitelli (M-Z)
MISCELLANEOUS STUFF Please check school website www. for general information such as: Calendar of events PASS program Counseling (scholarship info., course description, ACT and SAT links, and FAFSA info.)
THANK YOU! Please us if you have any questions x2