ICU Conference Teaser Age/Sex CC Brief Hx The idea is to have this slide up while folks are getting settled. It tells them you’re ready to go, so “sit down and shut up”. It also gives them a bit of information so they can begin to form ideas and questions about what will be presented.
ICU Conference Date Your Name PGY1,2, Some tips on PowerPoint: 28 is the smallest font you can use. Avoid wasting time with animation. Don’t use normal written English; use short, bulleted phrases that have only the key words, no articles, prepositions, etc. No more than six lines per slide. No more than six words per line. Anticipate one minute per slide.
H&P in a Sentence Age/CC PMH Mode of Transport and History 2 Pertinent Signs Again the idea is to give the audience an idea of where you’re going. You may want to just show this slide for long enough for people to read it without reading it yourself. Don’t spend much time on it. Should be only slight elaboration of “teaser” Again the idea is to get people on track. Can be left out if presentation is long.
Prehospital History Hx: (CC, …) VS/PE: (“normal” or specific abn) Tx: (IV/O2/mon, medications, etc.) Response / Course: (obvious improvement? If no comment, leave out)
HPI CC Onset, Duration, Course (timing) If pain, then the usual –Location, Migration, Radiation –Character –Pain Scale evaluation Associated Symptoms (+ ROS) Pertinent negative ROS (documented in ED) Get what you can out of the chart. It’s fair to get it from whatever notes exist, as the ED note often is a bit anemic here. We, hopefully, collect much more info than we document. It may be useful to speak to the clinicians involved in the case if there are key questions. They will usually welcome your questions.
PMH Allergies Medications Prior Diagnoses –List symptoms, duration, w/u, therapy Negative PMH (hospitalization, CAD, HIV, etc. as appropriate)
Contributory Histories Social Hx –EtOH, tobacco, drugs –Behavioral risk factors –Country of origin –Occupation Family Hx (all this as appropriate)
Questions? About the history only at this point.
Vital Signs HR BP RR POx Temp Glucose Pain Scale All this stuff as appropriate. If irrelevant, omit. (This is the rule throughout.)
HEENT Each of the following areas may or may not deserve specific comment. It may be easiest to run through them in this format, even if each slide has only one or two lines.
Extremities / Skin
Questions? These questions should pertain only to H&P It’s fine to say that __ was not recorded in the chart.
Preliminary Problem List Try to get the audience to identify the major problems to be addressed and start thinking about what they’ll do about them. Try not to spend more than a minute here. Try to have the audience spit them out. A second slide might give the list of problems we’ve identified and plan to discuss. The remainder of the conference should take them through most of the problems: DDx, basics of Dx and Txic management, with a longer didactic lecture focusing on a more focused element of the case.
Initial Intervention Again, elicit from the audience (mainly junior residents) what their initial interventions and diagnostic studies would be. Then explain what was done.
Differential Diagnosis Again elicit this from the audience.
EKG In general you should get this scanned in for inclusion in your presentation.
ABG pH: PaCO2: PaO2: BE: Co-Oximetry: Results of shock panel
CXR In general you should get this scanned in for inclusion in your presentation.
Labs You can use text boxes to insert the numbers.… To make a text box, click the icon at the bottom of the screen with a box, an “A”, and a bunch of lines. You can drag it into place, drag to size, and type whatever. The usual tools are used to format what you put inside. You should be able to click, drag, cut ant paste the figures. The figures were made in Draw, copied and pasted here.
Additional Imaging
Refined Problem List Include persistent issues which need further diagnostic testing and/or consultation
ED – ICU Course Use Hospital Day Number (HOD#) format with day of presentation being HOD #0. Include only pertinent information such as changes in condition, results of ancillary testing and consultation.
Conclusion / Discussion Include final diagnosis and major teaching points. Now is the time to solicit comments from the audience and ICU team.