Learning Center for Economics Overview Presented by, Susan Stiles LCE Board Chair November 21, 2011
Agenda LCE Structure, Background and Mission 2011 / 2012 Programs Teacher Resources Student Resources
LCE Partners
Board Members Susan Stiles – Chair, Minneapolis Rotary – Tom Welch – Treasurer, Minneapolis Rotary – Maureen Tubbs – Secretary, Minneapolis Gordon Olsen – Teacher Liaison, Retired MPLS Economics Teacher – Erick Ajax – Member, Minneapolis Rotary – Joe Baldwin – Member, Junior Achievement – Jane Stockman – Member, Minnesota Council on Economic Education – Joe Mahon – Member, Federal Reserve Bank – Lanise Block – MPLS Content Lead K-12: Social Studies – Gleason Glover – Board Adviser, Minneapolis Rotary – Mark Hoonsbeen – Board Adviser, Minneapolis Rotary –
History Established in 1976 75 th Anniversary Endowment by the Minneapolis Rotary with $85,000 was established to permanently support LCE The program has evolved Partnerships remain strong
Support Volunteer Resources Primarily through Rotary members Financial Resources Rotary Endowment Several other small benefactors MPLS School district has also contributed in the past In Kind Resources From our partners
Mission and Purpose To actively ensure that the teaching and learning of economics remains a vital and mandatory element of the education experience Financial literacy Engage Economics students Provide resources and support to the teachers
Target Primarily 12 th Grade Economics Expand to lower grade levels Changes in academic standards K-12 Expansion of existing programs Development of new programs
Teacher Support Pre and Post Tests In Service Teacher Development Teacher Appreciation Breakfast - October Economics Resource Materials Teacher Economics Book Club Distributed in May discussed during the Economic Congress break out session in January Micromotives and Macrobehavior by Thomas C. Schillling
Student Programs Economic Congress May 17, 2012 at the University of MN Applied Economics St. Paul Campus 7 high schools debate 3 economic questions each with 3 positions. Debate is judged and awards are given Continental breakfast and lunch is served Full day program
Economic Congress January 2006
2010 Economic Congress
Student Programs Day at the Fed One day field trip to the Federal Reserve Bank in Minneapolis About 80 students Twice a Year November 22, 2011 (South & Roosevelt) – usually 3 schools February 22, 2012 tentative (5 schools)
Day At the Fed November 20, 2007
Day at the Fed November 2005
Student Programs Business Ethics Car Town, USA Scheduled anytime during the school year Completed in one class period 1 – 2 Rotarians will conduct the session
Student Programs Kiva.org Micro lending around the world LCE was working on expanding this program the last 2 years Henry and Roosevelt at least have implemented Kiva. LCE needs a steering committee for Kiva to be able to move forward
Junior Achievement Economic education materials and programs Titus Challenge – Regional Competition Devry in Edina will host a one day Titan program in the Spring 9am – 2pm If transportation is a issue contact Joe Baldwin Reverse Job Shadow in the school – one day one class period Includes volunteers, curriculum and career readiness
Federal Reserve Bank Economic materials and programs available on the website Student Programs Student Essay contest due March 23, 2012 Teaching Aids Articles and Class Supplements Economic Education for Teachers Conversation with the Chairman Our money teaching unit CPI calculator information
Primary Plans for the Future Further enhance Economic Congress experience Offer 2 Economic Congress per year Add 2 more days to Day at the Fed Increase teacher development opportunities Encourage more student participation Expand programs K-12
Secondary Plans for the Future Kiva program in all the schools Expansion of the Ethics program Learning Center for Math targeting Middle School Other Learning Centers……………. At different age levels Embraced by different partners Lead by Minneapolis Rotary
Reaching Out Expand to add community partners Additional support – volunteer, financial and in kind A teacher volunteer to join the LCE board to help with the communication with teachers and the planning logistics