Creating software to improve reading of English as a Second Language students
Is reading comprehension a problem? Research has shown that many ESL readers are word-by-word readers The issue is not only at ODU but at English Language Centers around the Country In some cultures, L1 reading literacy is low
In addition Research has found that efficient readers Reduce the number of fixations Reduce the number of regression Especially difficult with different orthographies
Fixations and Regressions
* Eye Movements in Reading: Facts and Fallacies, Author(s): Stanford E. Taylor American Educational Research Journal, Vol. 2, No. 4
So what do we see in our programs? Low Beginning ESL Literacy Beginning ESL Low Intermediate ESL High Intermediate ESL Low Advanced ESL Advanced ESL Words per minute < >235 CASAS WPM182 WPM202.2 WPM 131 (low beginning) 1 (low intermediate) Ranking of 15 beginning Advanced I Readers
Idea Research has found that efficient readers Increase recognition of “lexical bundles” Increase awareness of thought groups
First part of analysis – identifying bundles once a week In the last two years Over time In the last few years A decade ago In the 1980s waiting for the day in the habit In one (a) recent survey There was nothing like this numbers speak for themselves In some ways
Lexical bundles as a result of at the same time on the other hand is based on the is one of the is due to the Teaching them to recognize common lexical bundles
Reading Speed Survey Question Strongly Agree Do Not Agree or Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree I feel good about the way the reading techniques were implemented in the classroom I believe that using the software to present the readings helped improve my reading speed I believe that identifying word clusters often used in English have helped improve my reading speed and comprehension. 9 (one written comment: “great”) 3000 I noticed an improvement in my reading comprehension I noticed an improvement in my reading speed I thought the process was valuable
Slash Reading Break a sentence before each conjunction or preposition, as well as if and whether, after a comma, after words such as “said, thought, wondered, I’m sure, I’m glad, I’m sorry, I’m disappointed” *list follows) Circle each pronoun (he, him, she) and draw an arrow to its referent. Circle the main subject and underline main verb of each sentence. Circle all instances of who, what, when, why, how and that
Not only ELC
Wish list (extensions) It would be good for the teacher to be able to modify groups or clusters by using visible breaks in the saved document. In particular, it would be good to bold or underline the verbs or bold and underline the subjects. Colors could be used instead. Possibly, modifying clauses and phrases could be signified in some manner. Maybe colors. Something students could use – and that we might even be able to track for homework.