1 Implementation of AQIP and the Possible Implications for TSR Presented by Rosemary Jones, Executive Director Institutional Planning and Evaluation April 15, 2004
2 AQIP and CQI Academic Quality Improvement Program (AQIP) Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) In support of College Departments Within TSR
3 CQI Continuous Quality Improvement
4 CQI Concepts Focus on process Collaborative decision-making Environment that empowers employees Employees serve as change agents Measurable performance
5 Basic CQI Principle/Process PLAN DO CHECK ACT
6 CQI Cultural Changes Anticipating needs Preventing rather than correcting problems Data-based decision-making Process re-engineering Long and short term plans/goals
7 Challenges of Quality Initiatives Data integrity User friendly data and information access Communication Benchmarking, trend analysis Closing the Loop
9 AQIP CRITERIA Overall, the AQIP Criteria ask: Are you doing the right things — the things that are most important in order to achieve your institution’s goals? Are you doing things right — effectively, efficiently, in ways that truly satisfy the needs of those you serve?
10 Each AQIP Criterion Should Address CQI Process How stable, well-designed, and robust are your systems and processes? How consistently do you employ and deploy your systems and processes? How satisfying and good are the results your systems and processes achieve? How do you use your performance data to drive improvement?
Measuring Effectiveness Understanding Students’ and other Stakeholders’ Needs Building Collaborative Relationships Planning Continuous Improvement Accomplishing Other Distinctive Objectives Leading and Communicating Valuing People Helping Students Learn Supporting Institutional Operations
12 Criterion: Helping Students Learn (Student outcomes assessment, Curriculum development, Remedial/developmental education, Support services ) Surveys Hardware/software support Course delivery systems Classroom technology support Usage Impact
13 Criterion: Understanding Students’ and other Stakeholders’ Needs College On-line survey capability? TSR Identify stakeholders How identify needs? How prioritize and meet needs? How evaluate impact and satisfaction?
14 Criterion: Leading and Communicating Goals Succession Planning Leadership Development Decision-making Communication
15 Criterion: Valuing People Hiring Processes Training and Development How determine what is needed? How ensure ethical practices related to computer usage? Performance Management Health and Well-being Recognition and Rewards
16 Criterion: Building Collaborative Relationships Internally Externally K-12, Universities Businesses Vendors—(SCT, Phone company) Economic and social development
17 Criterion: Planning for Continuous Improvement Mission/Vision Strategic Planning Resource Allocation Alignment of Initiatives Impact of rapid change in technology on College in all of the above areas
18 Criterion: Supporting Institutional Operations (FBS, HR, TSR, Admissions and Records, Financial Aid, Bookstores, Food Service) How identify technology needs of stakeholders? How do you know if meeting needs? How do you prioritize? How do you measure responsiveness? How do you set targets? How do you document improvement?
19 Criterion: Accomplishing Other Distinctive Objectives Might include: Corporate College & WEDD Cultural arts
20 Criterion: Measuring Effectiveness Collection, storage, management, and use of information and data Access and Analysis of data
21 Questions?