The Progressive Presidents Ch. 13, Sec 2, 3, & 4.


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Presentation transcript:

The Progressive Presidents Ch. 13, Sec 2, 3, & 4

Teddy Roosevelt Youngest president – 42 1/2 Social Darwinist Believed US in competition w/ other nations 1/2 Progressive Government needs to make sure everyone is treated fairly Believed Progressive reforms would make the US more competitive

Roosevelt the Trustbuster E.H. Harriman of the Union Pacific Railroad and James J Hill and JPMorgan of the Great Northern and Northern Pacific Railroad were fighting to control the Burlington Railroad through stock ownership Almost triggered a financial panic on Wall Street Harriman, Hill and Morgan created Northern Securities – a holding company that controlled all four railroads TR orders a lawsuit, says Northern Securities violates the Sherman Anti-Trust Act

Coal Miners Strike United Mine Workers – demanded pay raise, work reduction first chance for Roosevelt to show his power arbitration offered, mine owners refused TR threatened to send in troops

Roosevelt - Election of 1904 Campaign Slogan: “ Square Deal ” Fair and equal treatment for all

Roosevelt as a Progressive Bureau of Corporations – 1903 authority to investigate corporations and issue reports on their activities US Steel Offered “gentlemen’s agreement” to avoid anti-trust lawsuit

Roosevelt As A Progressive Hepburn Act – 1906 gave ICC more power (can set railroad rates) Actually benefits railroads by limiting competition

Roosevelt as a Progressive Pure Food & Drug Act and Meat Inspection Act – 1906 demanded federal regulation of the food processing and drug manufacturing industries Upton Sinclair’s “The Jungle” helped push for regulating meat inspections

Roosevelt the Conservationist Newlands Reclamation Act – 1902 Use of federal $ to pay for irrigation and land development projects Regulations to control lumbering on federal lands Added over 100 million acres to national forests, 5 new national parks, and 50 federal wildlife sanctuaries

Teddy Bears named for TR On a hunting trip he refused to kill a bear cub

Election of 1908 William Howard Taft – Republican Hand picked by Roosevelt to be successor William Jennings Bryan - Democrat

Taft as a Progressive Mann-Elkins Act – 1910 Increased the regulatory powers of the ICC Children's Bureau Investigated problems with child labor More anti-trust lawsuits than Roosevelt A dedicated conservationist Protected land from private development Expanded the national forests

Progressives desert Taft Payne-Aldrich Tariff –1910 Intent was to lower tariffs most barely lowered some were actually raised. Ballinger-Pinchot Controversy Ballinger tried to make more than a million acres of public land available for private development – Pinchot accused Ballinger of corruption Taft fires Pinchot for insubordination Anti-trust Lawsuit against US Steel TR criticizes Taft publicly

Taft Trivia Over 300 pounds Once got stuck in a White House bathtub 1 st President to throw out the first pitch at a MLB game

Election of 1912 William H. Taft – Republican T. Roosevelt – Progressive (Bull Moose) Woodrow Wilson – Democrat Wins because Rep. Party split between Taft & TR

Wilson’s Administration Underwood Tariff – 1913 Wilson lobbied Congress personally Tariff rates cut by half 16 th Amendment – 1913 OK to put tax on income of individuals and businesses -made up for the federal revenue lost from the tariff cut

Reforming the Banks Federal Reserve Act – 1913 put a system of 12 banks under control of the Federal Reserve Board Set interest rates and control money supply

Anti-Trust Action Federal Trade Commission Created to investigate companies with unfair trade practices Clayton Antitrust Act more fed. power against trusts Banned tying agreements Gave unions right to exist

Improving Working Conditions Keating-Owen act – 1916 No one under 14 could work in factories that produced goods for interstate commerce Adamson Act set an 8 hr work day for railroad workers

Legacy of Progressivism People expect gov’t to regulate the economy and solve social problems Ignored African-Americans NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) founded in 1909