Music Is The Art Of Expressing Yourself Through Sound.
Music Is The Art Of Expressing Yourself Through Sound. Characteristics Sound: The basic element of the Music. Art: The special plan for the sounds in the Music. Expressing: The ideas, feelings or mood in the Music.
Music Is The Art Of Expressing Yourself Through Sound. Type Body Instruments are music sounds produced by parts of the body. Acoustic Instruments are instruments that produce sounds naturally when rubbed, blown, buzzed or tapped. Electronic Instruments are music sounds produced by the use of electrical circuits and speakers.
Music Is The Art Of Expressing Yourself Through Sound. Groups Chorus is an ensemble of voices. Orchestra is a large ensemble of acoustic instruments including String, Woodwind, Brass and Percussion instruments. Concert Band is a large ensemble of acoustic instruments including Woodwind, Brass and Percussion instruments.
Music Is The Art Of Expressing Yourself Through Sound. Rock Band Jazz Band Ensemble
Music Is The Art Of Expressing Yourself Through Sound. Texture Thin Thick
Music Is The Art Of Expressing Yourself Through Sound. Melody Characteristics Pitch Range Scale Order Movement Intervals
Music Is The Art Of Expressing Yourself Through Sound. Motive a short, distinctive pattern of pitches in a Melody. Lyrics are the text for a piece of Music.
Music Is The Art Of Expressing Yourself Through Sound. Harmony Type Polyphony Homophony Ostinato
Music Is The Art Of Expressing Yourself Through Sound. Texture Thin Thick
Music Is The Art Of Expressing Yourself Through Sound. Rhythm Steady Beat Meter Tempo Rhythm Pattern
Music Is The Art Of Expressing Yourself Through Sound. Musical Controls Articulation Legato Staccato Dynamics Forte Piano
Music Is The Art Of Expressing Yourself Through Sound. Form Characteristics Phrase Section Totality Genre is a type or category of composition based on its Form.
Music Is The Art Of Expressing Yourself Through Sound. Movement is a large, independent section of an instrumental composition. Symphony is a genre of instrumental music for orchestra consisting of several movements. Tone Poem is a one-movement work for orchestra of the Romantic era that gives musical expression to the emotions and events associated with a story, play, political occurrence, personal experience, or encounter with nature.
Music Is The Art Of Expressing Yourself Through Sound. Style Characteristics Composer Time Place Role
Music Is The Art Of Expressing Yourself Through Sound. Classical Music is Music that has endured the test of time and requires a particular set of skills to perform or appreciate it; it relies chiefly on acoustic instruments, preset musical notation, tends to be lengthy, and involves a variety of moods. Popular Music is a broad category of music designed to please a large section of the general public. Encore is a French word meaning “again” that is the repeat of a piece demanded by an appreciative audience or an extra piece added at the end of a concert.
Music Is The Art Of Expressing Yourself Through Sound. Universal Language Music is one of the oldest means of communication. Music is found in all cultures. Music is a means for transmitting the thoughts of people not met by other means of communication. Music is a basic characteristic of people’s lives. Music is central to the religious and social life of all people.
Music Is The Art Of Expressing Yourself Through Sound. Universal Language Music provides each person with an outlet for creativity and self-expression. Music develops the aesthetic potential of each person. Music provides each person with a source of enjoyment that will enhance the quality of their life.
Music Is The Art Of Expressing Yourself Through Sound. Reflection Of Society Music reflects the time of origin Musical compositions in an Era of Music express what is happening in life at that time. Musical compositions in an Era of Music have their own distinctive characteristics for the musical elements.
Music Is The Art Of Expressing Yourself Through Sound. Reflection Of Society Music reflects the place of origin. Musical compositions in a Style of Music express what is happening in life at that place.
Music Is The Art Of Expressing Yourself Through Sound. Reflection Of Society Relationship between Classical and Popular Music. Characteristics Classical Music Fine Art Music Timeless quality Mainly instrumental Music Precise Music notation
Music Is The Art Of Expressing Yourself Through Sound. Reflection Of Society Acoustic Instruments Lengthy and varied in mood Abstract sound patterns
Music Is The Art Of Expressing Yourself Through Sound. Reflection Of Society Popular Music Common Music Contemporary issues of life Emphasizes Vocal Music Electronic Instruments Short and conveys a single mood Strong sense of beat
Music Is The Art Of Expressing Yourself Through Sound. Reflection Of Society Live concerts are the best way to enjoy and understand both Classical and Popular Music.
Music Is The Art Of Expressing Yourself Through Sound. Listen to Music How we listen to Music. Layers of listening to Music. Perceptual We hear the Music but do not think about it. It serves as background sound.
Music Is The Art Of Expressing Yourself Through Sound. Listen to Music Expressive We listen to the Music and think about it. We think about the mood of the Music and how it makes us feel. Musical We listen to the Music and deeply think about it. We think about the relationship between the sounds in the Music that create the mood we feel.
Music Is The Art Of Expressing Yourself Through Sound. Listen to Music Musical sounds are perceived and processes when we listen to Music. Our ears perceive musical sounds when we listen to Music. Our brain processes musical sounds when we listen to Music.
Music Is The Art Of Expressing Yourself Through Sound. Listen to Music Effectively listen to Music Listening is the primary tool for understanding and enjoying Music. It takes repeated listening to a composition with concentration in order to better understand and appreciate it. It takes improved knowledge about Music to completely understand and enjoy Music.
Music Is The Art Of Expressing Yourself Through Sound. Listen to Music Recognize the organization of the musical elements in the composition. Recognize the Sound Terms in a composition. Recognize the Art Terms in a composition. Recognize the Expressing Terms in a composition.
Music Is The Art Of Expressing Yourself Through Sound. Listen to Music Recognize the time and place of origin for the composition. Recognize when and where a composition originated. Music transmits both our cultural heritage and that of other cultures. Music is a continuing art, always sensitive to those contemporary conditions and social structures at the time of its creation.
Music Is The Art Of Expressing Yourself Through Sound. Listen to Music Recognize what mood, feelings or ideas are expressed in the composition. Music is a reflection of human experience and intrinsic concern.
Music Is The Art Of Expressing Yourself Through Sound. Music Notation Music Notation is a symbolic system of musical communication consisting of notes on a staff. Sound Terms Timbre Texture
Music Is The Art Of Expressing Yourself Through Sound. Music Notation Art Terms Melody Harmony Rhythm
Music Is The Art Of Expressing Yourself Through Sound. Music Notation Expressing Terms Music Controls Articulation Dynamics Form Style