WELCOME TO BAND Teacher – Dr./Mrs. O’Donnell
Mrs. O’Donnell’s Class Schedule Hour 1 – Band 1 Hour 2 – Band 2 Hour 3 – Band 2 Hour 4 – Band 1 (3 rd lunch) Hour 5 – Comanche Hour 6 – Comanche Hour 7 – Plan Web BackPack: www4.smsd.org/elizabethodonnell
Classroom Expectations Be on time – use your passing time wisely to get from class to class. Do you need to stop at your blue locker? Restroom? Get a drink? Band locker? Be respectful – respect each other and their belongings. Respect the equipment in the room. Be responsible – Bring your instrument, music, and other accessories everyday. Practice your part Be safe – do not leave instruments on chairs or standing unattended. No running around the room. Have fun – the better you get the more fun you have, the more fun you have the better you get.
Grading Policy Daily Rehearsals – you earn 5 pts. a day for having your instrument & music. Written/Playing Assessments – Quarterly – these consist of naming notes, rhythms, vocabulary, listening evaluations, playing scales Playing Quiz – over scales, something in your book or music Performances – 50 pts. Concerts are mandatory.
Required Materials Your instrument –Your music – you will be given a folder with concert music. Keep music in the folder Your method book – Band 1 (Tradition of Excellence, Book 2, blue); Band 2 (use class materials) A pencil Your MacBook – kept in your band locker or under your chair. Additional accessories for your instrument: reeds, valve oil, slide cream, cork grease, mallets, etc.
Renting School Instruments Some instruments available: French horn, bass clarinet, tenor saxophone, bari saxophone, oboe, bassoon, tuba, & percussion $50 for the year Take home a contract, get it signed, return it with the money
Band Lockers Each student will be issued a band locker with a padlock. You must keep your band locker locked at all times, in between retrieving your instrument of course. If you lose your lock, you will be charged $10 to order a replacement You may not share a band locker
Lost Music You are all responsible for turning in music after a concert. It is district owned music. If you lose your copy, you will be charged $3 per song to order a new piece. Keep your music neatly in your band folder and write in pencil
Practicing You are expected to practice outside of class. Make it part of your homework routine Think of your short term and long term goals: warm-up, scales, concert music, other music you may have for fun
Jazz Band Jazz band is open for trumpets, alto sax, tenor sax, bari sax, trombone, drums, guitar, bass/bass guitar, & piano 7 th grade jazz = Wednesday mornings at 8:00. You have to get a ride to school for rehearsal 8 th grade jazz = Thursday mornings at 8:00. You have to get a ride to school for rehearsal No auditions unless you may play piano, drums, or guitar Watch the board for start dates
Other performance opportunities John Philip Sousa Honor Band – audition/send an a CD. Music on the website. Auditions due in Oct. Honor band in January Solo/Ensemble Festival – Saturday, April 16 at Trailridge - optional
Performances & Sports/Practices If you see a conflict with a concert and sports practice or game, communicate with your coach that you will probably miss or arrive late/leave early. Remember performances are part of your grade. It is not an excused reason to just miss a concert.
Performance Calendar October 7– 6:30 at WR gym December 15 – 6:30 at WR gym Band 2 Festival - February 18 – 7:00 at SMNorth Band 1 only – March 8 – 6:30 at WR gym West Area Festival – April 28 – 7:00 at SMWest Band 1 - May 17 – 6:30 at WR gym Band 2 – May 18 – 6:30 at WR gym Report time is 30 minutes before concert time. Concert attire is black and white. You are expected to sign up for at least 2 times to either help set-up for the concert or put equipment away after the concert
Any Questions? Please sign the student contract stating you understand the details of this powerpoint.