Seminar ar gyfer Craffu Cyson ar draws Consortiwm ERW Seminar for Consistent Scrutiny across the ERW Consortium 22 Medi September 2015
Agenda Croeso i Gyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Castell- nedd Port Talbot Yr Arweinydd, y Cyng. A H Thomas OBE Cyflwyniad Rheolwr Gyfarwyddwr ERW, Betsan O’Connor Gweithdy 1 Perfformiad Disgyblion a Chategoreiddio Fforwm agored ar gyfer trafodaethau craffu Gweithdy 2 Cymorth, Her ac Ymyrraeth i Ysgolion Gweithdy 3 Gweithgareddau Eraill ar gyfer Perfformiad Ysgolion Welcome to Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council Leader Cllr A.H. Thomas OBE Introduction Managing Director of ERW Betsan O’Connor Workshop 1 Pupil Performance and Categorization Open forum for scrutiny discussions Workshop 2 Support, Challenge and Intervention for Schools Workshop 3 Other Activities for School Performance
Cyflwyniad Introduction Llywodraethu Deilliannau Camau Nesaf Governance Outcomes Next Steps
Nodau’r Diwrnod Aims of the Day Rhannu Dysgu Gwella Sharing Learning Improving
Build school capacity through support, challenge and intervention to become self improving, resilient organisations which continually improve outcomes for learners Adeiladu capasity ysgol drwy gymorth, her ac ymyrraeth i fod yn sefydliadau grymus sy’n hunan wella ac yn codi safonnau i ddysgwyr yn barhaus.
Foundation Phase Performance FPI 83.0% 2012/ % 2014/15 Key Stage 2 Performance CSI 84.3% 2012/ % 2014/15 Key Stage 3 performance CSI 77.0% 2012/ % 2014/15 Key Stage 4 performance L % 2012/ % 2014/15 (PROVISIONAL) Perfformiad y Cyfnod Sylfaen Perfformiad Cyfnod Allweddol 2 Perfformiad Cyfnod Allweddol 3 Perfformiad Cyfnod Allweddol 4 CSI 86.1% 2013/ % 2013/ % 2013/14 L2 55.1% 2013/14
FP (FPI): 2010/2011 – 2014/2015 ERW figures are shown, with Wales averages in background
KS2 (CSI): 2010/2011 – 2014/2015 ERW figures are shown, with Wales averages in background
KS3 (CSI), 2010/2011 – 2014/2015 ERW figures are shown, with Wales averages in background
Sir Gar / Carmarthenshire Comparisons – other region – from Gwion
Ceredigion Comparisons – other region – from Gwion
CNPT / NPT Comparisons – other region – from Gwion
Sir Benfro / Pembrokeshire Comparisons – other region – from Gwion
Powys Comparisons – other region – from Gwion
Abertawe / Swansea Comparisons – other region – from Gwion
Agweddau Addysgu Teaching Aspects
1 Rheolaeth yr Ystafell Ddosbarth Cydberthynasau Ymddygiad Classroom management and behaviour 2Cynllunio/ Planning 3Cyflwyniad/ Introduction 4 Strategaethau / Gweithgareddau Strategies/ Activities 5Cyflymdra/ Pace 6 Datblygu sgiliau Llythrennedd Rhifedd TGCH Sgiliau Ehangach Sgiliau Meddwl Y Gymraeg Skills – literacy/ Numeracy Welsh Language ICT 7Her/ Challenge 8Cwestiynu/ Questionning 9Gwahaniaethu/ Differentiation 10Asesu ar gyfer Dysgu/ Assessment for Learning Cryfderau Strengths Angen Datblygu In need of Development
Agweddau Dysgu Learning Aspects
1 Cydberthynasau ac awyrgylch Relationship and atmosphere 2 Cyfranogiad ac ysgogiad Participation and enthusiasm 3 Adalw dysgu blaenorol/ recall prior learning 4 Caffael a chymhwyso gwybodaeth, dealltwriaeth a sgiliau Grasping knowledge and understanding skills 5 Cynnydd yn briodol i oedran a gallu 6 Llythrennedd/ Literacy Siarad/ oracy Gwrando/ listening Darllen/ Reading Ysgrifennu/ writing Sgiliau Dwyieithog/ biligualism 7 Sgiliau Meddwl/ thinking skills 8 Rhifedd/ numeracy Datblygu rhesymu rhifiadol/ numeric reasoning Defnyddio sgiliau rhif, mesur a thrafod data/measuring and managing data 9 TGCh Datblygu cyfleodd i Greu a Chyfleu, a Darganfod a Dadansoddi Gwybodaeth ICT/ creativity Cryfderau Strengths Angen Datblygu In need of Development
Pwy yw ERW? Who is ERW?
C O N T E N T S F o re wo rd G ov e rn an ce Int ro d uc tio n ER W V isi on M is si on sta te me nt Se ct io n 1 P rio riti es le ad in g l ea rni ng te ac hin g an d l ea rni ng s up po rt for lea rn ing S ec ti on 2 Inf ras tru ctu re p rio r iti es S ec ti on 3 O rg an is ati ona l d es i gn Pla nn in g a nd a cco un ta bil ity D em oc ra tic ac co un tab ilit y F r De liv er y s tru ct ure a nd da y t o S ec tio n 4 R is k r eg ist er S ec tio n 5 R is k r eg ist er S ec tio n 6 R ol es an d res po ns ibi liti es Ap p en dix 1 Ap p en dix 4 Ap p en dix st ru ctu re 38 am e wo rk da y a rr an gem e nts M IS S IO N S T A T E M E N T E R W ’ s m is s io n is ac r os s t he re g io to e n s ur e e ff ec t iv n b y : e p e R ob us tl y a n d co a ch ie v ed b y al n sis te n tly c ha lle n gi l th e ir le ar ne rs n g th e p er fo r D ep lo y ing a d if f to n e ed t ha t i s e re n tia te d sy st em o ca te go ri sa ti id en tif ie d th ro ug h f p ro fe ss io na l on f ra m ew o rk a pp li a n a tio na lly a g re S u pp o rti ng e d co ns is te nt ly ac r li te ra cy a the d e pl oy m en t of o di sa dv a nd n u m er ac y sk ill s na tio n al an d r eg io n n ta g ed le a rn er s o f l ea rn e rs a nd to i a F ac ili ta ti m p r p er fo rm ng a n d de ve lo pi ng su c c a n ce a nd o u tco m e ef fe cti ve s ch o ol to es s ful le a d p ra c tit io s th ro u gh t he d ep sc ho o M an n er s loy m e nt th e ag in g a nd d ep lo yi n hu b s to ch a lle ng e g w e ll t ra in ed c ha n ig p e rfo rm a n ce a nd s g e ad vi se rs T r g er in g fo rm a ig n po st a pp r st an d ar d l in te rv e nt ion s in s ch oo ls th a t f ai l to p B ui ld in g c a pa c e i m pr ov in g sy i ty an d re si lie nc e w s te m w it hin t he r eg ith in s ch oo ls s o th io n at w “ w e w i ll bu il d s ch o o l c a c h al le n ge a n d in te r v pa c ity t h ro u gh s r es il ie n t o rg a n is at e n ti on t o b ec o m e s fo r i n s w h ic h c o nt in ua l o u t c o m e l e l a r n e r s rformanc e in all schools mance schools and the outcomes support to sc hools in proportion e d assessment and ss the region l strate gies to develop the ove outcomes for l support in order to improve of experienced and across th e region and within opria te relevant support rf orm to the required e will enable a self ” upport, self im proving, y improve ERW Ein Rhanbarth ar Waith Education through Regional Working Cynghrair o 6 awdurdod lleol yw ERW a reolir gan gyd-bwyllgor cyfansoddiadol cyfreithiol. Y nod yw gweithredu strategaeth a chynllun busnes rhanbarthol cytunedig a chefnogi gwelliant ysgolion. ERW is an alliance of 6 local authorities governed by a legally constituted joint committee. Its aim is to implement the agreed regional strategy and business plan to support school improvement. Business Plan V2 BOC Jan 2015 This section introduces the region and outlines ERW’s vision for improvement. It shares the regional mission statement and explains how it will enhance and develop the National Model of School Improvement. ERW ERW is a single integrated regional professional school effectiveness service driving school improvement and learner achievement across the combined area of six local authorities in the South West and Mid Wales region within three hubs:- Carmarthenshire/Pembrokeshi re Ceredigion/Powys Neath Port Talbot/Swansea This model of regional strategy delivered through the three hubs has been trialled and developed to ensure effective delivery across the large geographical area, the full diverse range of schools that mirrors the Welsh scenario and the bilingual nature of the region. VISION ERW’s vision is for a consistently high performing school network across the region with every school a good school offering high standards of teaching under good leadership resulting in all learners achieving their maximum potential. In order to achieve this vision, we will build school capacity through support, challenge and intervention to become self improving, resilient organisations which continually improve outcomes for learners. INTRODUCTION “ ” consistently high perfor ming school network across the region with every schoo l a good school offering high standards of teaching u nder good leadership resulting in all learners achieving their maximum potential
Beth y gallwch ei ddisgwyl gan ERW ? What can you expect from ERW in ? Autumn Core Visit Spring second visit Brokered support Regular newsletter and other communication GCSE support programme (& science) Modern Foreign Language support Ymweliad Craidd Hydref Ail ymweliad Gwanwyn Cymorth wedi ei frocera Newyddlen a chyfarthrebu cyson Prosiect cymorth TGAU (a Gwyddoniaeth) Ieithoedd Modern
Challenges Reducing the impact of poverty on attainment Teacher education and training Consistency and Quality Communication Digital learning Heriau Lleihau dylanwad tlodi ar gyrhaeddiad Addysg athrawon ac hyfforddiant Cysondeb ac Ansawdd Cyfathrebu Dysgu digidol
Craffu Craidd Core Scrutiny 1.Common forward work programme 2.Sharing findings of focused work 3.Annual seminar 4.Building our best practice 1.Blaenraglen waith gyffredin 2.Rhannu canfyddiadau gwaith ffocws 3.Seminar flynyddol 4.Adeiladu ein harferion gorau
Blaenraglen Waith 2014 – 2015 Forward Work Programme 2014 – 2015 ERW Business Plan Data and commentary on local categorisation Unverified data on performance and categorisation verified data on performance and categorisation Cynllun Busnes ERW Data a sylwebaeth ar gategoreiddio lleol Data heb eu gwirio ar berfformiad a chategoreiddio Data wedi’u gwirio ar berfformiad a chategoreiddio
Blaenraglen Waith 2014 – 2015 Forward Work Programme 2015 – 2016 ERW Business Plan Data and commentary on local categorisation Unverified data on performance and categorisation Verified data on performance and categorisation Progress against Business Plan priorities Member seminar general Challenge Adviser capacity Schools and scrutiny Cynllun Busnes ERW Data a sylwebaeth ar gategoreiddio lleol Data heb eu gwirio ar berfformiad a chategoreiddio Data wedi’u gwirio ar berfformiad a chategoreiddio Cynnydd yn erbyn blaenoriaethau Cynllun Busnes Seminar Aelodau cyffredinol Capasiti Ymgynghorydd Her Ysgolion a chraffu