Cynllun Busnes ERW Gorffennaf 2015 ERW Business Plan July 2015.


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Presentation transcript:

Cynllun Busnes ERW Gorffennaf 2015 ERW Business Plan July 2015

C O N T E N T S F o re wo rd G ov e rn an ce Int ro d uc tio n ER W V isi on M is si on sta te me nt Se ct io n 1 P rio riti es le ad in g l ea rni ng te ac hin g an d l ea rni ng s up po rt for lea rn ing S ec ti on 2 Inf ras tru ctu re p rio r iti es S ec ti on 3 O rg an is ati ona l d es i gn Pla nn in g a nd a cco un ta bil ity D em oc ra tic ac co un tab ilit y F r De liv er y s tru ct ure a nd da y t o S ec tio n 4 R is k r eg ist er S ec tio n 5 R is k r eg ist er S ec tio n 6 R ol es an d res po ns ibi liti es Ap p en dix 1 Ap p en dix 4 Ap p en dix st ru ctu re 38 am e wo rk da y a rr an gem e nts M IS S IO N S T A T E M E N T E R W ’ s m is s io n is ac r os s t he re g io to e n s ur e e ff ec t iv n b y : e p e R ob us tl y a n d co a ch ie v ed b y al n sis te n tly c ha lle n gi l th e ir le ar ne rs n g th e p er fo r D ep lo y ing a d if f to n e ed t ha t i s e re n tia te d sy st em o ca te go ri sa ti id en tif ie d th ro ug h f p ro fe ss io na l on f ra m ew o rk a pp li a n a tio na lly a g re S u pp o rti ng e d co ns is te nt ly ac r li te ra cy a the d e pl oy m en t of o di sa dv a nd n u m er ac y sk ill s na tio n al an d r eg io n n ta g ed le a rn er s o f l ea rn e rs a nd to i a F ac ili ta ti m p r p er fo rm ng a n d de ve lo pi ng su c c a n ce a nd o u tco m e ef fe cti ve s ch o ol to es s ful le a d p ra c tit io s th ro u gh t he d ep sc ho o M an n er s loy m e nt th e ag in g a nd d ep lo yi n hu b s to ch a lle ng e g w e ll t ra in ed c ha n ig p e rfo rm a n ce a nd s g e ad vi se rs T r g er in g fo rm a ig n po st a pp r st an d ar d l in te rv e nt ion s in s ch oo ls th a t f ai l to p B ui ld in g c a pa c e i m pr ov in g sy i ty an d re si lie nc e w s te m w it hin t he r eg ith in s ch oo ls s o th io n at w “ w e w i ll bu il d s ch o o l c a c h al le n ge a n d in te r v pa c ity t h ro u gh s r es il ie n t o rg a n is at e n ti on t o b ec o m e s fo r i n s w h ic h c o nt in ua l o u t c o m e l e l a r n e r s rformanc e in all schools mance schools and the outcomes support to sc hools in proportion e d assessment and ss the region l strate gies to develop the ove outcomes for l support in order to improve of experienced and across th e region and within opria te relevant support rf orm to the required e will enable a self ” upport, self im proving, y improve ERW Ein Rhanbarth ar Waith Education through Regional Working Cynghrair o 6 awdurdod lleol yw ERW a reolir gan gyd-bwyllgor cyfansoddiadol cyfreithiol. Y nod yw gweithredu strategaeth a chynllun busnes rhanbarthol cytunedig a chefnogi gwelliant ysgolion. ERW is an alliance of 6 local authorities governed by a legally constituted joint committee. Its aim is to implement the agreed regional strategy and business plan to support school improvement. Business Plan V2 BOC Jan 2015 This section introduces the region and outlines ERW’s vision for improvement. It shares the regional mission statement and explains how it will enhance and develop the National Model of School Improvement. ERW ERW is a single integrated regional professional school effectiveness service driving school improvement and learner achievement across the combined area of six local authorities in the South West and Mid Wales region within three hubs:- Carmarthenshire/Pembrokeshi re Ceredigion/Powys Neath Port Talbot/Swansea This model of regional strategy delivered through the three hubs has been trialled and developed to ensure effective delivery across the large geographical area, the full diverse range of schools that mirrors the Welsh scenario and the bilingual nature of the region. VISION ERW’s vision is for a consistently high performing school network across the region with every school a good school offering high standards of teaching under good leadership resulting in all learners achieving their maximum potential. In order to achieve this vision, we will build school capacity through support, challenge and intervention to become self improving, resilient organisations which continually improve outcomes for learners. INTRODUCTION “ ” consistently high perfor ming school network across the region with every schoo l a good school offering high standards of teaching u nder good leadership resulting in all learners achieving their maximum potential

Adeiladu capasity ysgol drwy gymorth, her ac ymyrraeth i fod yn sefydliadau grymus sy’n hunan wella ac yn codi safonnau i ddysgwyr yn barhaus. Build school capacity through support, challenge and intervention to become self improving, resilient organisations which continually improve outcomes for learners

Perfformiad y Cyfnod Sylfaen Foundation Phase Performance FPI 83.0% 2012/ % 2013/14 Perfformiad Cyfnod Allweddol 2 Key Stage 2 Performance CSI 84.3% 2012/ % 2013/14 Perfformiad Cyfnod Allweddol 3 Key Stage 3 Performance CSI 77.0% 2012/ % 2013/14 Perfformiad Cyfnod Allweddol 4 Key Stage 4 Performance L % 2012/ % 2013/14



Sir Gaerfyrddin Carmarthenshire Perfformiad L2+ ysgolion unigol: 2010/ /14 Individual schools’ L2+ performance: 2010/ /14 Cymharu perfformiad L2+ yn erbyn y llinell atchweliad, a pherfformiad disgyblion sy’n cael prydau ysgol am ddim: 2013/14 Comparison of L2+ performance against the regression line, and FSM pupils’ performance: 2013/14 Y Frenhines Elizabeth

Dangosir perfformiad L2+ ysgolion unigol yn erbyn eu % o ddisgyblion sy’n cael prydau ysgol am ddim. Mae’r pwyntiau glas yn dangos perfformiadau cohortau cyfan yr ysgolion, ac mae’r pwyntiau coch yn dangos perfformiad cohortau prydau ysgol am ddim yr un ysgolion yn uniongyrchol oddi tanynt. Individual schools’ L2+ performance shown against their FSM%. Blue points show the schools’ whole cohorts’ performances, and red points show FSM cohorts’ performance of same school directly underneath.

Penodi Rheolwr Gyfarwyddwr 5.14 LlC yn lansio Her Ysgolion Cymru 7.14 System categoreiddio ysgolion newydd 9.14 x3 cynhadledd ar lefel hwb i Benaethiaid 9.14 Y Tîm o arweinwyr hybiau yn gyflawn 9.14 Hyfforddiant Ymgynghorwyr Her cenedlaethol LlC yn lansio safonau ar gyfer Ymgynghorwyr Her 9.14 ERW yw’r rhanbarth sy’n perfformio orau ar y prif ddangosyddion ar gyfer pob cyfnod allweddol 9.14 LlC yn penderfynu ar doriadau yn ystod y flwyddyn Adolygiad Robert Hill Ymweliadau craidd yr hydref Tîm gweinyddu ERW wedi cyrraedd capasiti llawn Arolygiad Estyn/ SAC yn rhoi adborth cadarnhaol i ERW LlC yn cyhoeddi Meysydd Dysgu newydd 1.15 LlC yn penderfynu ailgategoreiddio 30 o ysgolion (14 ERW) LlC yn penderfynu y gallai pwysau cylchol fodoli yn CA LlC yn lansio Bargen Newydd i Athrawon heb adnoddau 3.15 Trefniadau newydd ar gyfer darparu adroddiadau i Estyn 2.15 Dangosiadau cynnar ar fynediad cynnar yn dda 3.15

Appoint MD 5.14 WG launch Schools Challenge Cymru 7.14 new school categorisation system 9.14 x3 hub level conferences for HTs 9.14 Hub leads team complete 9.14 National ChAds training WG launch standards for Ch Ads 9.14 ERW best performing region on main indicators for all key stages 9.14 WG decide on in year cuts Robert Hill Review autumn core visit ERW admin team at full capacity Estyn/ WAO review give ERW positive feedback WG publish new AOLs 1.15 WG decide to re categoris e 30 schools (14 ERW) WG decide that curricular pressures may exist in KS WG launch New Deal for Teachers with no resources 3.15 new arrangements for providing reports to Estyn 2.15 early indications on early entry good 3.15

Joint Committee Cyd-bwyllgor Executive Board Bwrdd Gweithredol Delivery Board Bwrdd Cyflawni Headteacher Bwrdd Cynrychiolwyr Representative Board y Penaethiaid

Cynnwys / Contents Alinio â blaenoriaethau cenedlaethol a lleol Trefniadau llywodraethu a chynllunio Camau gweithredu ar gyfer gwella ysgolion Camau gweithredu ar gyfer gwelliannau corfforaethol Dangosfwrdd deilliannau ar gyfer pob blaenoriaeth a meini prawf llwyddiant Alignment to national and local priorities Governance and planning arrangements School improvement actions Corporate improvement actions Outcomes dashboard for each priority and success criteria

3 strategic priorities Leading learning Teaching and learning Support for learning 16 workstreams 3 blaenoriaeth strategol Arwain dysgu Dysgu ac addysgu Cymorth ar gyfer dysgu 16 ffrwd gwaith

Strategaeth ERW Sicrhau perfformiad effeithiol ym mhob ysgol Herio perfformiad ysgolion a deilliannau dysgwyr yn gadarn a chyson Cyflwyno system wahaniaethol o gymorth proffesiynol i ysgolion yn gymesur ag angen trwy fframwaith categoreiddio y cytunwyd arno’n genedlaethol Strategaethau cynorthwyol i ddatblygu sgiliau llythrennedd a rhifedd dysgwyr Gwella deilliannau dysgwyr dan anfantais Hwyluso cymorth ysgol i ysgol er mwyn gwella perfformiad a deilliannau Rheoli a lleoli ymgynghorwyr her wedi’u hyfforddi’n dda i herio perfformiad a threfnu cymorth pwrpasol

ERW Strategy Ensure effective performance in all schools Robustly and consistently challenging the performance of schools and the outcomes achieved by learners Deploy a differentiated system of professional support to schools in proportion to need through nationally agreed categorisation framework Supporting strategies to develop the literacy and numeracy skills of learners To improve outcomes for disadvantaged learners Facilitate effective school to school support in order to improve performance and outcomes Managing and deploying well trained challenge advisers to challenge performance and broker bespoke support

Level 3 Planning 16 workstream plansTeam plans Level 2 Planning Priority Outcome StrategiesTheme or section plans Level 1 Planning ERW Business PlanLA service or departmental plan Guiding documents ERW strategy & LA Single Plans

Cynllunio Lefel 3 16 o gynlluniau ffrwd gwaithCynlluniau timau Cynllunio Lefel 2 Strategaethau Deilliannau â BlaenoriaethCynlluniau ar themâu neu rannau Cynllunio Lefel 1 Cynllun Busnes ERW Cynllun gwasanaeth neu adrannol awdurdodau lleol Dogfennau arweiniol Strategaeth ERW a Chynlluniau Unigol awdurdodau lleol

Sicrhau bod gan bobl Powys y sgiliau i ddilyn eu dyheadau Trawsnewid dysgu a sgiliau Cynorthwyo teuluoedd i ffynnu a chyflawni eu potensial Galluogi’r holl blant a phobl ifanc i gyflawni eu potensial Dathlu llwyddiant Gwella llythrennedd, rhifedd a phresenoldeb Sicrhau bod pobl Sir Gaerfyrddin yn cyflawni’u potensial dysgu a Chyfleoedd ar gyfer dysgu Gydol Oes Sgiliau a hyfforddiant ar gyfer cyflogaeth Cynorthwyo teuluoedd i ddatblygu dysgu gan blant Cymdeithas gynhwysol Cynyddu dysgu, addysg a hyfforddiant Sicrhau bod gan blant, pobl ifanc a theuluoedd y cyfle i gyflawni eu potensial dysgu a byw bywydau iach a hapus Mynediad i gyfleoedd dysgu a hyfforddi o safon Sicrhau bod pobl yn dysgu’n llwyddiannus Presenoldeb Llwyddiant mewn ysgolion (parodrwydd ysgolion a thlodi plant) Sicrhau bod pobl Castell-nedd Port Talbot yn cyflawni’u potensial dysgu

People in Powys have the skills to pursue their ambitions Transforming learning and skills Supporting families to thrive and reach their potential Enable all children and young people to reach their potential Celebrate achievement Improve literacy and numeracy & attendance People in Carmarthenshire fulfil their learning potential & Opportunities for Lifelong Learning Skills and training for employment Supporting families to develop children’s learning Inclusive society Increasing learning, education and training Children, Young People and families have the opportunity to fulfil their learning potential and to live healthy and happy lives Access to quality learning and training opportunities People learn successfully Attendance School achievement (school readiness & child poverty) People in Neath Port Talbot fulfil their learning potential

Cynllun Busnes ERW Arwain dysguAddysgu a dysgu Cymorth ar gyfer dysgu Arwain dysgu Addysgu a Dysgu Cymorth ar gyfer Dysgu Diogelu Monitro, cymorth, her ac ymyrraeth Llythrennedd a Rhifedd Ysgolion sy’n achosi pryder Lleihau effaith tlodi ar gyrhaeddiad Y Gymraeg mewn addysg Dysgu digidol Cymorth cwricwlwm Adnoddau dynol Sicrhau ansawdd Grant Cyflawniad Lleiafrifoedd Ethnig Asesu athrawon Cymorth i Lyowdraethwyr Lefel 3 Lefel 2 Lefel 1

ERW Business Plan Leading learning Teaching and learning Support for learning Leading Learning Teaching and Learning Support for Learning Safeguarding Monitoring, support, challenge and intervention Literacy and Numeracy Schools causing concern Reducing the impact of poverty on attainment Welsh in education Digital learning Curriculum support Human resources Quality assurance MEAG Teacher assessment Governor support Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

Trefniadau Llywodraethu ERW Strategaeth Cysondeb Disgwyliadau Capasiti Trefniadau gweithio cyffredin Ansawdd Awdurdod Lleol Swyddogaethau statudol Rheoli llinell Rheoli perfformiad Ysgolion ac Ymgynghorwyr Her Caiff cwmpas y gwaith yma ei arwain gan y model categoreiddio ac Ysgol Cymorth ac Ymyrraeth a Rhaglen Cymorth a Her ERW HWB

ERW Governance arrangements Strategy Consistency Expectations Capacity Common working arrangements Quality Local Authority Statutory functions Line management Performance management Schools & Challenge Advisers The scope of work here is led by the categorisation model and the ERW Ladder of support and intervention and Menu of support and challenge HUB

canfyddiadau am y canlynol: Hunanwerthuso Archwiliad mewnol Archwiliad allanol – Swyddfa Archwilio Cymru Arolygiad – Estyn a Swyddfa Archwilio Cymru Adolygiadau Arfer gorau Rheoli risg Craffu ac atebolrwydd democrataidd Alinio â blaenoriaethau cenedlaethol a lleol Trefniadau llywodraethu a chynllunio Camau gweithredu ar gyfer gwella ysgolion Camau gweithredu ar gyfer gwelliannau corfforaethol Dangosfwrdd deilliannau ar gyfer pob blaenoriaeth a meini prawf llwyddiant Llywio sut yr ydym yn gwneud ein gwaith:

findings of the following: Self evaluation Internal audit External audit – WAO Inspection – Estyn & WAO Reviews Best practice Managing risk Scrutiny and democratic accountability Alignment to national and local priorities Governance and planning arrangements School improvement actions Corporate improvement actions Outcomes dashboard for each priority & success criteria Inform how we do our work:

Improvement changes... What we do How we do it Who we do it with Organisational change... regional strategy & local delivery National model for school improvement Infrastructure change.... Business planning Governance Financial planning, grants Cultural change... Self improving system Brokering support Not doing things Newidiadau er gwelliant Beth Sut Gyda phwy Newid sefydliadol… Strategaeth ranbarthol a gweithredu lleol Model cenedlaethol ar gyfer gwella ysgolion Newid seilwaith… Cynllunio busnes Llywodraethu Cynllunio ariannol a grantiau Newid diwylliannol System sy’n hunanwella Trefnu cymorth Peidio â gwneud pethau

Cymorth Ariannol i ERW ac awdurdodau lleol yn ystod Awdurdod Lleol Cymorth Ariannol i ERW Cymorth fel % Swm yr Arian Grant a Gafwyd gan ERW a drosglwyddwyd i awdurdodau lleol Arian a Gafwyd fel % Sir Gaerfyrddin£52, %£6,423, % Ceredigion£17,5007.0%£2,445,7477.4% Castell-nedd Port Talbot£37, %£6,047, % Sir Benfro£35, %£4,694, % Powys£40, %£3,817, % Abertawe£67, %£8,955, % ERW£759,6272.3% Cyfanswm£250, %£33,143, %

Funding Support to ERW & LAs in Local Authority Financial Support to ERW Support as a % Amount of Grant Funding Received by ERW passed to LAs Funding Received as a % Carmarthenshire£52, %£6,423, % Ceredigion£17,5007.0%£2,445,7477.4% NPT£37, %£6,047, % Pembrokeshire£35, %£4,694, % Powys£40, %£3,817, % Swansea£67, %£8,955, % ERW£759,6272.3% Total£250, %£33,143, %

Cymorth ERW, y Grant Gwella Addysg a’r Grant Amddifadedd Disgyblion Awdurdod Lleol Cymorth Ariannol i ERW Cymorth fel % Dyraniadau’r Grant Gwella Addysg a’r Grant Amddifadedd Disgyblion i bob awdurdod ac eithrio Arian Cyfatebol Arian fel % Sir Gaerfyrddin£52, %£12,271, % Ceredigion£18,5007.4%£4,277,8377.0% Castell-nedd Port Talbot£39, %£10,534, % Sir Benfro£35, %£8,359, % Powys£36, %£7,788, % Abertawe£68, %£16,913, % ERW£841,7721.5% Cyfanswm£250, %£60,986, %

ERW Support, EIG & PDG Local Authority Financial Support to ERW Support as a % EIG & PDG allocations per authority excl. Match Funding Funding as a % Carmarthenshire£52, %£12,271, % Ceredigion£18,5007.4%£4,277,8377.0% NPT£39, %£10,534, % Pembrokeshire£35, %£8,359, % Powys£36, %£7,788, % Swansea£68, %£16,913, % ERW£841,7721.5% Total£250, %£60,986, %

Cyfanswm dyraniadau’r Grant Gwella Addysg gan gynnwys Arian Cyfatebol Awdurdod LleolCyfanswm y Grant a Roddwyd (gan gynnwys Arian Cyfatebol) Sir Gaerfyrddin£8,863,758 Ceredigion£3,542,932 Castell-nedd Port Talbot£6,469,415 Sir Benfro£5,967,057 Powys£6,419,084 Abertawe£11,185,725 ERW£841,722 Cyfanswm£43,289,743

Total EIG allocation incl. Match Funding Local AuthorityTotal Grant Awarded (incl. Match Funding) Carmarthenshire£8,863,758 Ceredigion£3,542,932 Neath Port Talbot£6,469,415 Pembrokeshire£5,967,057 Powys£6,419,084 Swansea£11,185,725 ERW£841,722 Total£43,289,743

Cyfraddau Dirprwyo ERW Cyfraddau Dirprwyo Yn , cyfradd ddirprwyo ERW i awdurdodau lleol oedd 97.7% Yn cyfradd dddirprwyo ERW i ysgolion oedd 96% Cyfraddau Dirprwyo Y gyfradd ddirprwyo amcangyfrifedig a gynigir o ran cyfran ERW o’r Grant Gwella Addysg yw 96% o leiaf Cyfanswm grantiau canolog eraill ERW ar hyn o bryd yw £1.5 miliwn

ERW Delegation Rates Delegation Rates In ERW’s delegation to LAs was 97.7% In ERW’s delegation rate to schools was 96% Delegation Rates Estimated delegation of ERW’s share of EIG is proposed to be a minimum of 96% Other Central ERW grants currently total £1.5 million