Comments on Windows 8 Weather App Cliff Mass UW
Overall Comments Slicker presentation that provides basic information in an accessible way. Essentially traditional in terms of data sources and capabilities. WDT Hourly forecasts seem problematic and observations/forecasts are not updated frequently enough. WDT weather graphics are not realistic and coarse, particularly precipitation.
Specific Comments Forecasts are all deterministic…single valued…with no information about probabilities, except for precipitation. No information on forecast confidence or how reliability of forecasts change in time. No observations around the point of interest and maps are generally for national or regional scales. No nowcasting guidance. – What is happening now and in the near future – Warnings for inclement weather approaching No easy access to cams.
Specific Comments No ability to click on a local map to get observed and forecast weather…the National Weather Service has a MUCH better interface to do this. Have to type in name of location…this really should be changed. No decision-assistance apps—should I do a bike ride or hike or ? When should I water my lawn? No ability to get at past observations at a location (what was the high temperature two days ago?)
Climatology It would be very useful to be able to make weather queries based on climatological data. – When is the best period for dry conditions for a wedding in Seattle during the summer? – Best time for vacation at location X. – Where is the driest place in state or country X in month Y?
Sharing No way to share ones own weather observations or to see what other are experiencing. – Could be both text and imagery. – Would be particularly effective if observations are accessible with a map interface. Such capabilities are highly attractive and would draw many.