Cobb M.S. Football Meeting WELCOME CYCLONES! Cobb M.S. Football Meeting
Meet the Staff Jared Jake James James Lamont Mike
Cobb Athletic Expectations To make your grades and get your education. To be unselfish, self disciplined and accountable toward teammates and coaches. To be loyal to your team, coaches, and Cobb Middle School. Be honest in all your dealings. To Play Hard no matter what.
Practice Info Practices begin at 7:00 Doors open at 6:45 and players need to be on the field at 6:55 dressed. Doors open automatically. On Days of games practice begins at 7:30 (unless informed otherwise) On Days after report to 1st period on time for the regular start of school Players will need to wear cleats to practice. Please communicate if you will miss or be late to practice. Missing practice can result in losing playing time. Players must attend and dress out everyday. This includes injured and ineligible players. They can get mental reps when not practicing.
Equipment Uniform—”To all dress exactly the same” We don’t want anyone standing out because of the way the look on the team. We provide helmets, shoulder pads, game uniforms, practice uniforms, pads and girdles. We do not provide cleats or WHITE game socks. These will need to be purchased. WE do not provide Cold GEAR (tights etc) They will be able to practice in any color but only allowed to wear white on gamenights. We prefer that all the players use our equipment however, if you would like to use your own equipment, there is a form that must be filled out and equipment must be approved my Coach Young. If helmet, it must be white with a royal blue face mask. Equipment MUST stat at the school until they leave 8th grade.
Game Day! Players must wear either the Team game day shirt or a polo style shirt. It will be tucked into jeans or khakis with a belt during the entire school day. After school, players will report to the Café to pick up their meals and have a study hall until it is time to dress. B team will leave early while A team stays back and continues Study Hall. B team will come back after the completion of the first half of the A team game. No food or drinks are allowed on the turf during the games. Students will get 1 restroom break. Any school discipline problem can result in game suspension.
Locker Room Doors open at 6:45 am. Band Instruments Will not be open after athletics or after school. Players will take everything they need with them for the day. Band Instruments Almost all of them fit in lockers! No personal clothing in the bottom of the lockers. Make sure we keep the bottom of our lockers clear of clutter. We will take attendance every morning by sitting in lockers at 6:55am If you miss early practice, you must let a coach know or you will be counted absent. Unacceptable behavior. Bullying, fighting, horseplay and stealing will not be tolerated and can result in removal from the program.
Lockers What to Keep in Them. What NOT to keep in them. Compression shorts Athletic shoes Cleats Towel w/name Deodorant (non-spray) Soap Hair products School issued clothing and equipment Cloth hangers What NOT to keep in them. Personal clothing items Dress shoes School books, binders, etc… Electronic devices, money, or items of value Please keep them clean and everything hung up to avoid the growth and spread of Staph infection.
Policies and Procedures Our Policies and Procedures PowerPoint can be found on the Athletic webpage. Hurt or injured players We will need a doctor’s note if a player gets injured. We will also require a doctor’s note to come back. Hair Please make sure that you are in compliance with the FISD Athletic Hair Policy. Behavior and Do Rights Players are expected to be leaders in the school and set the example of how to behave. If a practice is missed for detentions, player will get a conditioning period. “Do Rights” Tutorials-Athletes have 6 times a week to attend tutorials without missing practice. Please take advantage of these times. If a teacher is not working with these days please let us know. Exceptions can be made for this! (Rides bus home after school).
Loyalty Cobb comes First! Club and outside activities should not come before Cobb Athletics. Communication is the Key. We will do our best to accommodate other activities. Continued issues may result in removal from the team.
Transportation We will provide transportation to and from all games. We will not allow students to be signed out after a game unless it is an emergency. If you have a special situation please let us know ahead of time. 15 Minute Rule.
Parent/Coach relationships Transition between Youth and H.S. sports. Appropriate topics to discuss. The coaches interaction with your child. Ways to help you child improve athletic skills. Concerns about your child’s interaction with others. Areas that must be left to the coaches. Playing time. Team Strategy. Play Calling. Other student athletes. 24 Hour rule. Promotes an atmosphere for positive results and resolutions.
What to Expect from your Coaches To make decisions that are for the good of the team. Mutual respect. To be honest with athletes and parents. To coach you hard and love you hard. To discipline and hold you accountable. To help you grow mentally, physically and spiritually. To help you be a better Man, Husband, Father, and Worker. To challenge you to do more than you think you can. To model and promote “Family”.
Parent/Coach relationships Transition between Youth and H.S. sports. Appropriate topics to discuss. The coaches interaction with your child. Ways to help you child improve athletic skills. Concerns about your child’s interaction with others. Areas that must be left to the coaches. Playing time. Team Strategy. Play Calling. Other student athletes. 24 Hour rule. Promotes an atmosphere for positive results and resolutions.
Parent Concerns Parent to Coach Head Coach of sport Athlete to Coach is encouraged as first step. Head Coach of sport Athletic Coordinator Assistant Principal Principal
Game Prices Middle School--$4 dollars for Adults and 2 dollars for students Students of the middle school’s competing can show their ID badge to get in for free. High School--$4 dollars for Adults and 3 dollars for students HS Football--$7 at the gate and $5 at the FISD athletic office on game day. Middle school all Sports Pass $50 adults $25 children HS Sports pass $75 Adults $50 per child Does NOT include Football These can be purchase at the FISD athletic office Not from school.
Online Paperwork-Docter’s Notes We must have a physical before you are allowed to practice. All other papers must be in, in a timely manner. We will abide by all doctor’s notes. If it says a certain date, but you student feels ready to play you will need to call the doctor to get them released.
HAIR!!!! We abide by the FISD policy for Hair cuts in athletics. If you student is not within this standard we will give them a week to make an appointment and get a hair cut. After that they will not be participating in athletic games or practices. If they are not ready today, they will not receive a helmet.
Meals and More Information for Gameday gear can be found on our webpage. Volunteers Meals, Gear, Scoreboard, Announcer Use sign up Genius to Volunteer Cobb MOMS!!!