SNAP Integration Model V. S14 The SNAP Integration Model Mechanical [ SC4 Breakout ] Robin Lafever LBNL Engineering
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 The Model Main Baffle Assembly Door Assembly Solar Array, ‘Sun side’ Secondary Mirror Hexapod Bonnet Secondary Metering structure Primary Mirror Optical Bench Instrument Metering Structure Tertiary Mirror Fold-Flat Mirror Spacecraft Shutter Instrument Bay Instrument Radiator Solar Array, ‘Dark side’ Hi Gain Antenna Solid-state recorders ACS CD & H Comm Power Data CCD detectors NIR detectors Spectrograph Focal Plane guiders Cryo/Particle shield
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 About this Model The current model has evolved in response to the project design flow. In its present form it Provides a real-time snapshot of our combined thinking. Becomes a Test-bed for detailed Trade studies. Reveals immediate system interactions. Brings all subsystems and mission objectives into one, tangible workspace.
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 How it works Weekly Engineering meetings hosted by Pankow at SSL or Lafever at LBNL. The Intent: All systems are represented. Designs and Studies are initiated, teams form, effort goes off-line. Results from earlier studies are reported, changes adopted, production goes off-line. “Hot” concerns get focused attention first. The Effect: Technical studies get tested as soon as they can be articulated. Model updates and studies are iterated on a 1 to 3 week cycle. Detail is sacrificed for speed. Detailed studies are iterated on a 1 to 3 week cycle and incorporated into the model. Speed is sacrificed for detail. Multiple ‘Fitup’ models can tolerate simultaneous development. Integration models can be assembled at any time !
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 System Summary The current, model-centric view of SNAP system interfaces looks like this: Michael Levi “The Mission” Peter Harvey “The Process” Dave Pankow “The Satellite” Mike Lampton “The Telescope” Chris Bebek “The Instrument” Robin Lafever John Bercovitz Bobby Besuner “The Model” Current Cross-System issues under study Natalie Roe Henrik Van Der Lippe Robin LafeverElectronics packaging/cabling Susanna Deustua John BercovitzStray Light and Baffling John Bercovitz Robin LafeverShutter mechanisms Manfred Bester Mike Levi Dave PankowAntennae and Comm
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Recent Studies reflected in this model Stray Light/Baffeling: John Bercovitz Susanna Deustua Mike Lampton Shutter Assembly: Chris Bebek John Bercovitz Mike Lampton Michael Levi Robin Lafever Spacecraft: Bobby Besuner Dave Pankow Robin Lafever Michael Levi Spectrograph: Robin Lafever Eric Prieto Instrument Electronics Packaging Natalie Row Henrik Van Der Lippe Robin Lafever Focal Plane Assembly: Chris Bebek John Bercovitz Robin Lafever Optical /Thermal Mounts: Mike Lampton Robin Lafever Dave Pankow Baffle Structure/ Metering structure: Dave Pankow Bobby Besuner FEA
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Deliverables The Models The Assembly presented here, along with tooling, fiducials, and variations are available as 3d CAD models, and can be exported in a variety of formats. (earlier studies have been carried to NASA-IMDC and back, for example) FEA models are also available The Graphics Screen shots, and Hi-res graphics are packaged as Web-available files in a variety of formats that feed directly into ongoing presentations, such as this one. Engineering models Low cost study models are already in the works Mock-ups and study models, and exemplars exist already And, John Bercovitz and Chris Bebek have examples of the REAL thing ! A “get yer hands in it !” scale mockup of the Optical Bench, and Rapid Prototype detail models are being developed right now.
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Appendix Model Overview Cut 1 Model Overview Cut 2 Doors Telescope Optical Bench Instrument Bay Optics Instrument Detail Current Instrument Model Current Focal Plane Model Optics Reflex Mirror Test set-up Reflex Inverted Reflex Mirror Cut-away A Reflex Mirror Cut-away B Packaging Cutaway Satellite Peel-away 01 Satellite Peel-away 02 Exploded View Moving Parts The collections of graphics in this appendix have been formatted and sequenced so they are ready to paste into other presentations for this Review. Captions have been kept to a minimum to avoid excessive editing by the user. Raw graphics are also available at:
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Model Overview Cut 1 Door and Main Baffle Assembly
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Model Overview Cut 1 Primary Interior Baffling
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Model Overview Cut 1 Body-mounted Solar Arrays Sun side Dark side
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Model Overview Cut 1 Optical Telescope Assembly in the SNAP observatory
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Model Overview Cut 1 Integrated OTA and Instrument package
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Model Overview Cut 1 Integrated OTA and Instrument package
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Model Overview Cut 1 Integrated OTA and Instrument package
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Model Overview Cut 1 Spectrograph and Instrument detector assembly
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Doors
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Doors
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Doors
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Doors
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Doors Door opening sequence
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Packaging Cutaway Satellite in launch configuration ( MLI not shown )
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Packaging Cutaway Interior structure and packaging
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Model Overview Cut 2
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Model Overview Cut 2
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Model Overview Cut 2
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Model Overview Cut 2
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Instrument Bay Optics
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Instrument Bay Optics
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Instrument Bay Optics
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Instrument Bay Optics
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Instrument Bay Optics
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Instrument Bay Optics
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Instrument Bay Optics
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Instrument Bay Optics
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Instrument Bay Optics
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Instrument Detail
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Instrument Detail
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Instrument Detail
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Instrument Detail
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Instrument Detail
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Instrument Detail
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Instrument Detail
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Instrument Detail
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Instrument Detail
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Instrument Detail
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Instrument Detail
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Current Focal Plane Model Shutter Assembly Filter Array Detector Array PC back end electronics Spectrograph Incoming, Science light Transition light “Dark Inner Cone”
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Current Instrument Model Shutter Cryo/Particle/Light shield Filter array CCD / HgCdTl detector array Cold Plate Back-end electronics Spectrograph Thermal Links Radiator Near elactronics
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Satellite Peel-away 01 Interior cutaway
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Satellite Peel-away 01 Main Baffle structure
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Satellite Peel-away 01 MLI envelope
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Satellite Peel-away 01 Exterior MLI
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Exploded View
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Optics TMA-62 Optics Model Note: TMA-63 is our current prescription. For this model it is functionally identical to TMA-62. TMA-63 Model is Not-yet-ready-for-Prime-time
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Optics TMA-62 Basic Optics components
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Optics TMA-62 optics with Instrument
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Telescope TMA-62 Optics integrated with the Optical Bench and Instrument Assembly
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Optical Bench TMA-62 Optics integrated with the Optical Bench and Instrument Assembly
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Reflex Mirror Test Set-up Optical components
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Reflex Mirror Test Set-up Optics and Optical Bench
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Reflex Mirror Test Set-up Telescope Engineering test
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Reflex Mirror Test Set-up Satellite end-to-end test
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Reflex Inverted
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Reflex Inverted
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Reflex Inverted
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Reflex Inverted
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Reflex Inverted
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Reflex Inverted
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Reflex Inverted
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Reflex Inverted
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Reflex Inverted
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Reflex Inverted
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Reflex Inverted
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Reflex Inverted
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Reflex Inverted
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Reflex Mirror Cut-away A
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Reflex Mirror Cut-away A
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Reflex Mirror Cut-away A
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Reflex Mirror Cut-away A
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Reflex Mirror Cut-away A
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Reflex Mirror Cut-away A
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Reflex Mirror Cut-away B
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Reflex Mirror Cut-away B
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Reflex Mirror Cut-away B
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Reflex Mirror Cut-away B
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Reflex Mirror Cut-away B
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Moving Parts
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Satellite Peel-away 02
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Satellite Peel-away 02
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Satellite Peel-away 02
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Satellite Peel-away 02
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Satellite Peel-away 02
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Satellite Peel-away 02
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Satellite Peel-away 02
SNAP Integration Model V. S14 Satellite Peel-away 02