Do you believe in a one time cure to weight loss? No? Well, then don’t treat academic vocabulary as a one time encounter either. Really? Take this pill and then go for a bike ride? I don’t think so! Topic: Academic vocabulary: Make it a relevant,an easy and a constant encounter! Activities: Two academic vocabulary take away activities to use with your student Start Now! 1.1.Grab materials log into the computer 3.3. While it is warming up cut out the big yellow box 4.4. Follow the directions on how to fold the vocabulary fortune teller
Take away activity number one Fortune Teller 1. Have students make their own fortune teller 2. Review the terms on the fortune teller to the class 3.Students pair up to practice terms 4.Students should refer to their vocabulary terms How to play Student 1 picks a word Student 2 picks part of speech on the fortune teller Student 1 opens and closes the fortune teller to spell out the part of speech Student 2 picks a number Student 1 opens and closes the fortune teller according to the number chosen Student 2 picks a number Student 1 opens the number Student 2 uses the vocabulary words according to the directions Students switch roles
Bingo Boards Teacher preparation Vocabulary words Log into bingo board website to create cards by using Chrome or Fox Fire Follow directions provided on sample website card Print cards Bingo Boards generator/ How to play Distribute bingo boards Teacher should have words list/meanings as their answer key Give definition or a fill in the blank sentence to the class Students cover correct boxes Bingo winner must relay correct words to win Variations of Bingo Students can play in base groups Play various forms of a winning board such as: Diagonal, vertical or horizontal row, four corners