By: Iantha Kittles
It is the job of the educator to impart knowledge into the minds of our youth. Our job as educators consist of finding strategies which will assist our students in the learning process. I believe each child have their own unique style of learning and with the appropriate instruction each child can accomplish the goals set before them. Therefore, the key to a successful education lies in the depth of appropriate instruction.
Bring all necessary materials to class: paper, pencil, book, etc. No chewing gum or eating in class Raise your hand before speaking out Three bathroom passes will be issued during each nine weeks (use wisely) No passes will be issued the first 10 minutes of class
During the teacher’s instruction, there will not be any interruptions of sharpening pencils, talking, etc. All work assigned is individual work unless instructed by the teacher. The last 5 minutes of class is reserved for checking your work area to make sure it is cleaned. The bell does not dismiss you, the teacher does.
Enter quietly Sharpen pencil (if needed) Take out paper Get started on the Bellwork
Bellwork estimated time is 10 minutes Turned in when completed Read the board for the lesson for today Take out the necessary material for today’s task
If the door is closed, that means the bell has rung and you are tardy, therefore you need to (turn around). You are to then report to the tardy sweep room to receive a pass to enter class. (the tardy sweep list is on the door)
Once you receive your pass, report back to to class Sign the in/out book on the shelf and place your pass in the basket Immediately start on the Bellwork.
Anytime you enter or exit the classroom, you must sign in and out. Signing in and out consist of logging the date, time, your full name, and destination. The Sign In/Out book is kept on the shelf by the door along with a basket for your passes. If you need to exit the room to go to the bathroom, office, etc. You must have your school agenda for me to sign.
Assignments All assignments are to be turned in. There are three trays assigned to each class period Bell work Class work Homework Place the appropriate assignment in the appropriate box for the appropriate period
The bell does not dismiss the class, the teacher dismisses the class.
Free homework pass Extra points Drop lowest homework grade Treat Extra restroom pass
Consequences of Negative Behavior 1. Verbal Warning seconds after class second after class seconds after class 5. Parent contact 6. Parent/teacher/student conference 7. Discipline referral written
Websites (the following websites can assist you with homework and give you extra practice on class lessons) /mathhunt/index.asp /mathhunt/index.asp com com m m
Tutorials are available if and only if you are working in class, completing homework assignments, and classroom assignments. Tutorials are available to those who need extra help, assistance, and to make up missed assignments or some failed assignments. You will not be able to stay for tutorials if you are not putting forth any effort in class or on any of the assignments given.
After-school tutorials are available Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. After-school tutorial buses are available. If you plan on attending tutorials, you must fill out a tutorial card with your teacher and bring it with you. You must report to tutorial no later than 3:05 p.m.
Tutorial is over at 3:45 p.m. At that time, you are to immediately report to the commons area to wait for the bus. You should not be loitering in the hall or any other area of the school at any given time. This may result in disciplinary actions.
I am looking forward to teaching you this year and I know with your help, this year will be a successful year.
If you have any questions, you can visit the school website (Jefferson County High School) at: