EDTC 6320 Library Tutorial Evaluations at Interest Level and Attractiveness By: Claudia Salinas
Tutorials purpose: To help students prepare for and conduct online research
Are tutorials encouraging for students to use the library?
Interest Levels in Tutorials Topic Audience appealing Introduce with an attention grabber Must have a purpose Consistent message, length Page Layout must be appealing to target audience good contrast between text and background Good use of basic design principles Special effects, graphics and animation use Text must be kept simple and readable
Interest Levels continued Color and Graphics use contrasting colors between texts and background use colored screen backgrounds Graphics used must be related to text content Content presentation Meaningful and useful Organized data Techniques such as use of bullets, headings, short sentences
Attractiveness in Tutorials Images Used according to audience * clipart appropriate for children * realistic photos for older young adults Should be proper, cropped and visible Consistent designs or symbols High quality Are included to inform about the topic, entertain or create a response.
Attractiveness Continued Design Simplicity is the best model to apply Creativity is important Designer uses basic design principles and uses multimedia effectively * color, text, graphics, special effects
Negative feedback compromised viewer’s attention voice narration a bit boring, and non-motivational Poor use of contrasting colors Images too large and overlapped with text, unsynchronized Poor use of text organization in tutorials Some tutorials were too long (over 5 min) Evaluating Interest Levels of Tutorials
Positives Feedback: Quizzes kept interest of the audience Good use of images and graphics Voice narration sound adequate Great brainstorming keywords Design on some were really good Use of special techniques was adequate
Evaluating attractiveness of tutorials Negative Feedback: Improper use of contrasting colors in some Some slides were too plain (white background with black letters) Poor use of design principles
Evaluating attractiveness of tutorials Positive Feedback: Effective use of large photos (relevance to topic and non-distracting) High quality images Consistent designs used Good use of websites
Recommended Improvements for Interest level and attractiveness Use an attention getter from the beginning Make narration more interesting More Use contrasting colors Edit length of tutorials Be more creative with design use
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Attributions Cavanaugh, T. (2001). Effective Presentation Design. University of North Florida, Jacksonville, Fl. Retrieved July 23, 2009, from Academic Search Complete. Downs, E. & Clark, K. (2009). Guidelines for effective multimedia design. Technology Connection 97(4). Retrieved July 23, 2009, from Academic Search Complete. Morris, T. (2009). Web Design Best Practices Checklist, Retrieved on July 22, 2009 from Academic Search Complete.
Attributions Rotter, K. ((2006). Creating Instructional Materials for Pupils. Intervention in School and Clinic 47 (5). Retrieved on July 22, 2009, from Academic Search Complete. Tess, T. and Kesselman, M. (2000). Evaluation of Web-Based Library Instruction Programs, INSPEL 34 (2). Retrieved on July 23, 2009, from Academic Search Complete. Wailgum, T. (2008), 10 PowerPoint Tips: Keep Your Audience Awake, CXO Media Inc., Retrieved on July 22, 2009, from Academic Search Complete.