How to Correctly Format an Essay using Microsoft Word
Margins Margins can be set by going to FILE, PAGE SETUP, choosing Microsoft Word (if you are in 2007 version), and MARGINS. Make sure the top, bottom, left, and right are all set to 1. DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING ELSE!!!
Font First, check to see that you have your formatting toolbar up: View, Toolbars, Formatting (checked) Make sure the font is set to 12 point In the formatting toolbar, there is box that has all the font sizes, just click on it to make sure it is set to 12 Make sure the type is Times New Roman In the formatting toolbar, there is a box that lists all the fonts- chose Times New Roman
Double Spacing BEFORE you type anything… Click on FORMAT in the top toolbar of Word Chose PARAGRAPH Go to the LINE SPACING box and chose DOUBLE MAKE SURE YOU CLICK THE BOX THAT SAYS “DO NOT ADD SPACING IN BETWEEN LINES”!
Pages If you use Pages, please use the information found at
Questions? If you still have questions, or cannot figure out what to do, PLEASE come see me after school, and I will help you. DO NOT wait until the last minute!!!