Plan Design Analyze Develop Test Implement Maintain Systems Development Life Cycle Hunting Bikes Co.
Plan Design Analyze Develop Test Implement Maintain System For Development Website- This website is to include an online showcase which will display photos of our bikes along with each bikes specifications.Website- This website is to include an online showcase which will display photos of our bikes along with each bikes specifications. System Requirements- Our website will require links to our online parts catalog, this is an online database of repair and upgrades for our bikes as well as some universal parts that can be used on other brands of bikes. An online parts store is integrated into the online parts catalog for ease of purchase. There will be digital service manuals integrated with our service videos posted to YouTube.System Requirements- Our website will require links to our online parts catalog, this is an online database of repair and upgrades for our bikes as well as some universal parts that can be used on other brands of bikes. An online parts store is integrated into the online parts catalog for ease of purchase. There will be digital service manuals integrated with our service videos posted to YouTube. Critical Success FactorsCritical Success Factors Website traffic is initially directed to the showcase.Website traffic is initially directed to the showcase. Website allows ease of access to the apparel store online tutorials and parts catalog.Website allows ease of access to the apparel store online tutorials and parts catalog. More streamlined customer feedback on productsMore streamlined customer feedback on products Aesthetically pleasing layout and color schemes.Aesthetically pleasing layout and color schemes.
Plan Design Analyze Develop Test Implement Maintain Project Feasibility Assessment Cost Benefit Analysis- This analysis will help us find what aspects are benefiting our company. It will compare this to our costs. Using this analysis will help us determine what facets of our system is worth keeping, economically speaking. In other words, are we benefitting, or are we losing. We plan on comparing income and costs through data obtained through our website. Technical feasibility study- We will look at the costs of website, and videos for the system. We will also make a list of necessary jobs needed to maintain and operate our system. We will consider if we have the expertise to accomplish the system ourselves, or if we need to higher out to an outside company. This will by analyzed with the cost of the technical equipment and personnel to see if it is feasible to obtain. Schedule feasibility study- In this study we will include a timeline of when parts of the system will be completed. This is included in future slides. We will see if the timeline is feasible and appropriate for our needs.
Plan Design Analyze Develop Test Implement Maintain MILESTONES: December 1 st, Design stage completed December 8 th,, Decision to build the system ourselves or higher another company December 15 th, Video tutorials created December 22 nd, Video tutorials uploaded January 5 th, Digital Service manuals Created and uploaded J anuary 12 th, Gather data for each model for showcase January 19 th, Gather data and photos for apparel store January 26 th, Outline Site map February 2 nd, Initial website construction initiated February 9 th, Website ready for testing February 16 th, Testing process completion February 23 rd, Website update completed March 2 nd, Feedback mechanisms enabled March 9 th, Feedback mechanisms tested March 16 th, Maintenance schedule planned and outlined March 23 rd, Final approval by CTO March 30 th, Website Launched April 6 th, Regular maintenance initiated.
Plan Design Analyze Develop Test Implement Maintain Analysis Analysis (Gather business requirements, create process diagrams, perform a buy vs build analysis) Business Requirements Business Requirements: 1.) Needs to be easy for customers to access and use. 2.) Needs an online order and payment system integrated with the online parts catalog, and online signature apparel store. 3.) Needs to showcase our current Bikes. 4.) Needs to give us feedback and customer information 5.) Needs the ability to play specified tutorial videos from YouTube. 6.) Needs to include contact information for customer feedback. CFO- Involvement : CFO- Will oversee the budget for operations of the business requirements. CEO CEO- Will oversee and approve all tasks and requirements before they are followed through. CTO- CTO- Will Follow through and direct the implementations of technology, and will do everything possible to see that the CEO and CFO’s approved plans are followed through.
computer Login Process Plan Design Analyze Develop Test Implement Maintain Process diagram Process diagram (Login Process to View Products) Customers will enter their UserID and Password. Those who’s UserID and Password are existing will proceed to view products. Those whose UserID and Password are new will continue to confirm their new UserID and will then proceed to view products.
Order and Confirm Plan Design Analyze Develop Test Implement Maintain This is our Order and Confirmation Process. It is linked to the login in order to confirm who is ordering and confirming. After they select their products they are allowed to review their order, then confirm the order. Process diagram Process diagram (Order and Confirm Process)
Plan Design Analyze Develop Test Implement Maintain We chose to build our website in house. Our CTO is more than capable of overseeing the construction of the website. He has the training needed to fit our needs. This decision will allow us to have more control over the website as far as updating and modifying the content. It will allow us to personalize our website to a greater degree. We will have more control over the cost and scheduling of this process. We have more than enough time on our timeline to allow us to fix all the bugs and kinks in the process. Buy VS Build Analysis
Plan Design Analyze Develop Test Implement Maintain System Model- Website Login Full Bike Showcase Apparel Catalog Parts Catalog Video Tutorials Contact Us Home CommentsContact Us Logo Business Name Body (Partial Showcase slides) Privacy Policy
Plan Design Analyze Develop Test Implement Maintain System Model – ER diagram
Plan Design Analyze Develop Test Implement Maintain System Model– Navigation home Video Tutorials Parts Catalog Apparel Catalog Showcase Contact Login YouTube Shoppin g Cart Check Out Continue Shopping Abandon Cart!!
Plan Design Analyze Develop Test Implement Maintain Develop Website Prototype We chose this as our prototype because this version will provide easy access to all facets of our website for your customers. The partial showcase also previews our custom-made bikes in an appealing way that will draw customers in from the get-go. The design also is eye- catching while maintaining a professional mein.
Plan Design Analyze Develop Test Implement Maintain Testing – Testing – (write the test conditions and perform the system testing) Screen / Form Tested Date Tested Full Bikes Showcase February 10 th, 2013 Tester Lucas Grant CTO Test ConditionExpected ResultsActual Results(Circle one) Link from HomepageWe expect the link on the homepage to direct us to the full showcase. The link directed us exactly to the showcase page Pass Fail Scrolling between products The browser will move smoothly from one product to the next. The scrolling function directed us to the homepage Pass Fail Product descriptionThe scrolling failed, so product descriptions did not appear. Pass Fail Link back to homepageThe link on the showcase to the home would go to home. The link on the showcase did take us home. Pass Fail Information about each product displayed with the correct graphic.
Plan Design Analyze Develop Test Implement Maintain Implementation We will use a plunge implementation method, since we have no previous online presence. The necessary training for employees will begin after the final approval by the CTO on March 24 th and before the website launch on March 30 th. There will be minimum employees involved with the web site. The HR department will respond to feedback. Part orders will be taken from the site by the manufacturing department. These employees will be trained over a three-day period. A supplemental training manual will be provided. The customers who use the website will be documented with a userID and password. New users will be required to create a userID in order to place an order. Customer shipping and payment information will be stored with the user IDs. The customers can get help using the website through the contact us feature.
Plan Design Analyze Develop Test Implement Maintain Maintenance We will use corrective maintenance to fix problems customers report, problems detected through weekly tests, and problems that are discovered by the manufacturing department. This method will collect data from all users of the website to ensure proper function. Perfective maintenance will be used to enhance the system to ensure proper function and appearance. This will maintain clear viewing of the showcase and catalogs using updated web browsers. Preventative maintenance measures will gather information about future problems from the users as well as predicted issues. It will ensure the web site can handle necessary traffic volumes while maintaining secure access. As the company develops we will need to adapt the website to include new functions. Adaptive maintenance will be used to apply these changes to the web site as they occur and ensure proper functionality.
Plan Design Analyze Develop Test Implement Maintain Maintenance Schedule During the first month Daily system tests Weekly IT meetings Extra attention to feedback During rest of the first year Weekly system tests Monthly IT meetings Weekly responses to feedback Preventative maintenance training begins During the rest of website’s life Monthly system tests Quarterly IT meetings Weekly responses to feedback Preventative and perfective maintenance implemented
References Camo Solutions. (2012). Camo Patterns. Retrieved November 27, 2012 from solutions.comwww.camo- Laudon, K. & Laudon, J. (2012). Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm. New Jersey: Pearson Education. Microsoft Word. (2010). Clip Art. Popfeedback. (2012). Popfeedback. Retrieved November 6, 2012 from Shoutlet. (2012). Shoutlet. Retrieved November 6, 2012 from Vidmap. (2012). Vidmap. Retrieved November 6, 2012 from Youtube. (2012). Youtube. Retrieved November 6, 2012 from