The Very Basics of Alice: A Simple Overview 6 th & 7 th Grade Tech Apps
Alice Who?
What To Expect Start with Tutorials Choose Templates Window Navigation Graphics Gallery Creating Animations Terminology
The Tutorial There are four interactive tutorials for Alice. The tutorials do not have any audio in them. You will need to read and perform the action that Alice requests.
The Template Choose on of the 6 templates for your world. You can add graphics to your template to make it into a scene.
The Alice Window Components (5) The Object Tree The Scenes Window The Events Area Details Area Editor Area
The Gallery Categories! Click and Drag to add Using controls on top right you can move objects in various ways. Clicking the done button takes you out of the gallery.
Alice Vocabulary Terms 2D/3D Object Opacity Program Quad View Subparts Properties Methods Functions Object Tree Scene Area Event Area Detail Area Editor Area Drag & Drop Do In Order Do Together Loop Wait