Warm Up What do we know from looking at this picture?
Assumption v. Fact What can we assume looking at this picture? What can we guess?
Assumption V. Fact Assumption: a thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof Fact: a thing that is indisputably the case.
Determine facts about the image below
Classroom Expectations Be Prompt: Be Prepared: Be Productive: Be Polite: Be Positive:
Classroom Rules Be on time – in your seat before the bell rings Raise your hand and wait quietly Work from bell to bell Keep cell phone turned off and put away Follow instructions
What you REALLY NEED to know… All of it…. Tardies: Not in your seat = Tardy School ID: No visible Id around Neck = Lunch Detention Make-up Work: Must utilize online book and videos. Complete problems listed on calendar
Cont. Tutorials: Tuesday and Thursday 2:30-3:00 Mrs. Young has tutorials on Wed. and Fri. Morning
Nasa Activity Work with your shoulder partner to rank the items by importance. 1=most important 2=second most important …15=least important.
Knowledge Is Power You never know a person’s motives The more you know, the more power you will have The less you know, the more likely you will be taken advantage of In geometry we will learn how to learn, how to apply information, and how to effectively articulate an argument.
Assumption v. Fact On your index card, write directions on how to draw a stick figure person. The person has already been given a pencil and paper.
Homework Read and sign syllabus