Network of Excellence in Internet Science Network of Excellence in Internet Science (EINS) 2 nd REVIEW Brussels, 4-5 February 2014 FP7-ICT EINS IA2- Joint Course and Summer Schools Sorana CIMPAN (University of Savoie)
2nd EINS Review, Brussels, 4-5 February 2014 WP Vision Link between Research and Education 3 dimensions Joint Courses Use what exists with the NoE, and make it available Summer School Focused on specific topic, at the edge of research Internet Science Curriculum New challenge in terms of overall structure Use partners potential in terms of content IA2
2nd EINS Review, Brussels, 4-5 February 2014 Organization of Joint Graduate Level Course Cases University of Oslo On a pre-existing joint graduate level course cooperation between University of Oslo, University of Lancaster and University of Mannheim. Taught by Kave Salamatian Internet Science: a manifesto. Warwick University 3 courses taught during the complex system summer school OXII Internet Technologies and Regulation Tutorials from the Summer School Considering the construction of a MOOC IA2
2nd EINS Review, Brussels, 4-5 February nd EINS Summer School In Annecy from Oct 7 th to 11 th 27 participants 3 from outside the NoE 13 CS, 7 Social Science, 5 Math-Physics, 2 Biologists Two topics Behavioral Analysis Emergence of Networks Format Morning and afternoon lectures Group working sessions Participant presentations session on last day IA2
2nd EINS Review, Brussels, 4-5 February rd EINS Summer School Call for proposal Objectif: identify potential organizers launched in November Two partner propositions University of Passau CERTH Result of partner voting : CERTH organizes in Volos, Greece Undergoing : Topic election IA2
2nd EINS Review, Brussels, 4-5 February 2014 Internet Science Graduate Level Curriculum The most challenging part of IA2 Due to the diversity of the potential input students Maturity state of the field from academic perspective … the lack of “internet scientists” in the industry The crystallization of the advances made on Internet Science Rather than the starting point in the work on Internet Science as initially planned IA2
2nd EINS Review, Brussels, 4-5 February 2014 Links with other WP The Internet Science Curriculum builds upon the results of the other WP The work on building an Internet Science Curriculum has a similar nature with the one on Internet Science Roadmap Investigate the relation between the two IA2
2nd EINS Review, Brussels, 4-5 February 2014 Curriculum Challenges The process of building the curriculum Focusing on the student Focusing on the content Specialist in different disciplines and aware of Internet Science vs. Internet Science Specialists Challenge on the content Multidisciplinary challenge Challenge on the form and pedagogical choices that foster interdisciplinary Find the balance between “knowing everything about nothing” and “knowing nothing about everything” The meta-level related to interdisciplinary work are there special abilities to posses or acquire ? IA2.
2nd EINS Review, Brussels, 4-5 February 2014 Internet Science Curriculum facts A call for participation for a Workgroup has been launched. Result : good coverage of the different disciplines - CS, sociology, governance, law, communication, economy Two group conf-call meetings so far Set the main objectives Decide on the agenda First face to face meeting : Paris, the 10 th of March IA2
2nd EINS Review, Brussels, 4-5 February 2014 Future Steps Have a draft on Internet Curriculum by June Identify further Joint Courses Prospect the possible implementations (Erasmus Mundus, MOOC, etc …) With impacts on the Curriculum Organize the 3 rd Summer School Internet Science Curriculum Workshops Co-located with the Cross-JRA workshop co-located with the EINS Conference IA2
2nd EINS Review, Brussels, 4-5 February 2014 Conclusions Challenging work on Internet Science Curricullum Looking forward to a succesfull Summer School in Greece IA2
2nd EINS Review, Brussels, 4-5 February 2014 Reviewer comments « Since launching a brand new curricula may take longer than the length of the project itself, an effective speedup mechanism should be searched to promote the initial creation of a certification in Internet Science in anticipation of the final curricula » We are not sure what kind of certification the reviewers are refering to Specific certification organism in Europe ? If it is the implementation mechanism (Task I2.3) We have started investigating the implementation possibilities Erasmus Mundus is one of them But further advance shoud be made on the Curricula in order to choose one of the possibiities and start working on it WPx...