An Aspect of Tourism Choose an aspect of tourism from the list on the next page. Investigate the parameters of that aspect to determine the content of your video. Decide on the video software you will use to produce the video. This project is done in pairs so choose a good partner!
Aspects to Choose! The industries of the tourism sector An occupation in a particular industry A study of ecotourism The stages of tourism development A particular tourism sector overview A specific site, area, hotel, restaurant, etc. An overview of a cultural aspect of tourism A specific event or conference
Video Software iMovie (Mac) Movie Maker (PC) Movie Works (Mac & PC) Pinnacle (PC) iPhoto (Mac) Photoshop (Mac) Others?
Your Goals! To display the concept(s) in a visual and entertaining manner. To cover the concept in some depth Let the technology be the “tool” but not the driving force behind the project. Let the concept direct the outcome of the project. The length of your project should be under five (5) minutes. Have fun with it - make it entertaining!
Some Logistics Where do you find digital cameras and video cameras? What software will you use and will you be developing the project at home or school? Have you designated duties so that all tasks will get done (on time)? Have you done the preliminary work before you start gathering digital pictures and/or video?
Some Useful Resources Curriculum Outcomes (pdf) Storyboard for video production Some Internet links with tutorials on specific software: - Atomic Learning (many tutorials)Atomic Learning (many tutorials) - Apple iMovie tutorialApple iMovie tutorial - Movie Maker TutorialMovie Maker Tutorial Pinnacle Tutorial (pdf) MovieWorks Tutorial Materials Project Description (pdf) Project Rubric (pdf) Movie Ingredients (pdf)
Two Example Videos Click screen to play
Enjoy your trip as a video tourist!