Marketing, Interpersonal Skills, Chapter 10 Slides 1 Interpersonal Skills Chapter 10 Marketing 1
Marketing, Interpersonal Skills, Chapter 10 Slides2 Human Relations It is very important in business to work well with others. If you are able to get along with your peers, you have a better chance of success within your company. #1 reason people are fired from their jobs is because they cannot get along with others. “Make friends; not enemies.”
Marketing, Interpersonal Skills, Chapter 10 Slides3 Body Language Body language is the gestures, posture, mannerisms, and eye contact through which a person communicates thoughts to others. 60% - 80% of what is communicated comes from body language. Be aware of your posture when you are at work. Learn to control/manage your facial expressions.
Marketing, Interpersonal Skills, Chapter 10 Slides4 “Soft Skills” Skills that are not easily taught and learned are called soft skills. Soft Skills will help you succeed in business. Examples are: Friendliness, Courtesy, and Tact Personal Ethics Creativity, Initiative, and Responsibility Attitude Self-Control and Orderliness Self-Awareness and Willingness to Change Empathy
Marketing, Interpersonal Skills, Chapter 10 Slides5 “Schmoozing” Move out of your comfort zones and strike up conversations with people you do not know. The key to schmoozing is sincerity. When talking to others, always be sincere with compliments. Many people at the top of their fields are great schmoozers. This is how they make new contacts and create new business.
Marketing, Interpersonal Skills, Chapter 10 Slides6 Teamwork A team is a group of people that work together in order to achieve a goal. Teamwork is the skill they use to achieve that goal. Successful teams are good at: Training Team Planning Setting Team Goals Assigning Roles for Team Members Sharing Responsibility and Shared Leadership
Marketing, Interpersonal Skills, Chapter 10 Slides7 Being a Valuable Team Member Make the team’s goals your top priority. In meetings, listen actively and offer suggestions. Build positive group dynamics with team members. Communicate with team members outside of meetings. Resolve conflicts among team members. Respect all members of the team Inspire other employees to get involved.
Marketing, Interpersonal Skills, Chapter 10 Slides8 In-Class Assignment This chapter is about getting along with others and showing sincerity in compliments. Your assignment is to select a teacher, administrator, or coach that has made an impact on your life. Then, hand write that person a thank you letter telling them how they impacted you and how they have improved your life. Letters will be distributed to the teacher selected.