About Leadership “An organization bereft of leadership will accomplish little.” “ Excellent leaders can motivate people to achieve more than they would on their own.” “Strong leadership makes an organization more effective.”
What is leadership? Leadership – the process of personal influence over others What is supervision? Supervision – the day-to-day oversight and control of another’s activities
Personal Characteristics found in Strong Leaders: Self-Confidence. Leaders believe in themselves and inspire confidence in others. Initiative. Leaders are self-starters who take charge and welcome change. High Energy. Leaders are industrious and enthusiastic. Creativity. Leaders approach problems in new ways; they are imaginative and innovative. Maturity. Leaders are self-deprecating and generous in their relationships with others.
Managerial Skills found in Strong Leaders: Good Problem Solvers. Leaders have the ability to formulate and implement solutions. Good Interpersonal Skills. Leaders know how to treat people and establish working relationships (not necessarily friendships). Good Communicators. Leaders have both oral and written skills that stand out. They provide accurate, clear, concise, and timely info. Highly Persuasive. Leaders get things done through respect and admiration, not coercion or threats.
Leadership Styles Transactional Leaders Are ‘task oriented’—the most important concern is getting the job done Focus on the short-term and are reactionary Transformational Leaders Are ‘charismatic’—adept at getting followers to perform at levels beyond their expectations Focus on the long-term and are proactive (visionary)
Behaviors of Transformational Leaders Are able to articulate a clear, common, and compelling vision to followers Are able to foster group goals over personal goals Are a strong role model to their followers Give individual care and support to their followers
Caveats: No single leadership style is best. See Figure Younger, inexperienced workers tend to need more task-oriented leadership. Older, veteran reps tend to need more transformational leadership.
About Supervision Employee performance is related to the amount and quality of supervision. Without proper supervision, many reps may eventually be fired or quit. Knowing that your supervisor is concerned and keeping an eye on you can improve your morale. New reps with little experience and straight salary reps generally need more supervision. Information/communication technologies are reducing the need for personal supervision.
Ways to Achieve Closer Supervision: Maintain personal contact with the rep. Have the rep turn in sales reports or call plans. Maintain frequent telecommunications – faxes, phone calls, s– with rep. Distribute printed materials – manuals, newsletters, bulletins, etc. Have the rep attend sales or other regular meetings. Use indirect aids – quotas, expense accts, territory assignments – to help control rep.
Citizenship Behaviors “voluntary behaviors that are not part of the job description” “behaviors that people are not trained for nor asked to do” Examples—organizing a community service project for your department; showing up to meetings on time; tidying up the break room or employee lounge
What is “morale?” “the mental and emotional attitude toward the job.” Exists at both the individual level and the group level Affected by—pay, promotions, security, benefits, co-workers, corporate culture
Corporate Culture the overall ‘workstyle’ of an organization as determined by management’s values and norms
How to Handle Poor Performance: State the problem. Be very specific. Get the rep’s agreement on the problem Listen to the rep’s explanation of the problem. Consider extenuating circumstances. Design an action plan for improvement Get the rep’s agreement on the plan.
Substance Abuse Problems Do not address the substance abuse problem – address the deficiency in performance. Do not attempt to provide counseling – suggest or make arrangements for professional help.
Expense Account Problems Clearly explain the expense account policies up front when the rep is hired. If abuse occurs: (1) review the discrepancy with rep, (2) put the rep on notice, (3) back up the policy with action if abuse continues.
Sexual Harassment Creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment Companies are responsible for creating an environment that does not permit or condone sexual harassment. Third-party harassment: harassment by clients or customers (someone outside the company) Companies are responsible for taking action to protect employees from further harassment.