Bringing some focus to your photos
“You Press The Button and We Do The Rest." Now, you press the button and the camera does the rest. Versatile, portable, inexpensive, easy. It’s no longer a novelty: It is the standard
Good photography isn’t here: It’s here:
They tell a story They are portable They are easy to get but have infinite possibilities
Did those photos tell a story? Did they amuse? Did they make you wonder?
First, a few basics:
Manipulate light with f-stops, shutter speed, ISO Add light with flash, other sources; understand digitals are not as good as film in low light
Minimize your movement Use a tripod if necessary Look for cameras with image stabilization
Have a plan: What do you want to capture? How? Frame the shot, but don’t forget to check the background for “noise.” Move; try different angles and distances. Try different light TAKE LOTS OF PICTURES!
Set camera on AUTO Divide into groups of three Take minutes Get these pictures: People, nature, structure, motor vehicle, wild card (your choice). Get at least one shot using a flash. Come back and we’ll share a few.
RGB: red, green, blue CMYK: cyan, magenta, yellow, black
Why? Because it’s cheap insurance for better photos. Example: