New Jersey: Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Program David Gruber, M.M.A.S. Assistant Commissioner New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services Trenton, NJ
“the ability to exceed standard response in reaction to an event that would overwhelm the normal capacity of healthcare facilities” Individual facility Numbers Regionalization/Situational Awareness/Education/Training/Exercise/Logistics Health System Surge Capacity
Acute Event: Hard hitting Immediate impact Shock and awe Majority of casualties/minimal time Trauma to health system Response/reaction based on planning Chronic Event: Slow moving Gradual increasing impact Increasing effect Exponential increasing casualties Surprise health system Response/reaction based on planning and adaptation Chemical attack Explosive event Tornado Biological attack Radiological release Flooding What Might Happen
Public Health EmergencyManagement Healthcare Delivery System competency capability capacity The Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Triad
Focus Situational awareness Tempo Control Passive and Active Architectures Push and Pull Systems Redundancy Targeted capabilities SSS, Education/Training, Equipment, People
To provide the State of New Jersey with an integrated, synchronized, responsive, and focused health preparedness and response capability using highly trained and educated health professionals, new technologies, coordinated planning, training and exercise, and, cooperative efforts with local, State, and Federal agencies. An Emergency Preparedness and Response Health System Network
Role of Division of Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Development of Health EP&R Plans/Policy Development of Health EP&R Infrastructure (ECC/MCC, C3I) Development of Health EP&R Education/Training/Exercise Programs Coordination of all emergency/bioterrorism/MCI grants Coordination of Education (consortium) Coordination of EP&R Training and Exercise Supervision of State EMS programs (OEMS) Supervision of State Health System MCI Emergency Response Control of Strategic State Stockpile (SSS) Control of Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) Integration of Federal, Regional, State and Local Health EP&R
FY 2003 FY 2004 CDC Focus: Public Health HRSA Focus: Health Systems MEDPREP Focus: Critical and unfunded emergency preparedness and response programs NJDHSS Major Emergency Preparedness And Response Funding
Phase I Strategic Development DHEPR Infrastructure (manpower/space/IT) Needs Assessment Phase III State Infrastructure Training/Education/ Exercise Phase II Strategic Development (cont.)/Review Needs Assessment (cont.) Program Development Year 1: Infrastructure ― Regionalization/surge capacity Year 2: C3 Year 3: Exercise Roadmap
Medical Coordination Centers Five regional Medical Coordination Centers (MCCs) housed in host hospitals Health Auxiliary Coordination Center (HACC) in the New Jersey Hospital Association. Responsible for development of regional planning for hospitals and other medical facilities with an emphasis on enhanced surge capacity Coordination and management of medical and medically related activities and resources Integrated and synchronized with public health and emergency management systems. MCCs will have the same information available as the Department’s HCC to include: hospital diversion status, health facility bed status, pharmaceutical availability, medical information, and EMS system status.
The Strategic State Stockpile The Commissioner of Health and Senior Services has directed the development and implementation of a plan that ensures New Jersey’s healthcare system is adequately supplied with pharmaceuticals and medical supplies during any emergency. This plan will rely on federally supplied materials (the Strategic National Stockpile) and on a New Jersey owned stockpile of medical/pharmaceutical supplies tailored to the State’s needs (Strategic State Stockpile).
Health System Integration Software Diversion HERMIS/Hospital Capacity EMS/Decon Tracking Project Tracking SSS Inventory Professional Registry Credentialing
The New Jersey Factor National Transportation corridor for rail and road Ports and Airports Philadelphia and New York City Critical National Industries Agriculture Atlantic City Nuclear Power Plants New Jersey Petro-Chemical Plants Pharmaceutical Industry Agriculture Tourism
Region Team Public Health EmergencyManagement Healthcare Delivery System David Gruber Assistant Commissioner New Jersey Department of Health & Senior Services PO Box 360 Trenton, NJ (609)