BACKGROUND Devolution if properly implemented has the capacity to impact the country fundamentally. Devolution if properly implemented has the capacity to impact the country fundamentally. The watershed change is that the institutions of County Government can cut decision, mobilization and implementation time of programs drastically. The watershed change is that the institutions of County Government can cut decision, mobilization and implementation time of programs drastically. 2
BACKGROUND Contd. County Governments can do what the current Chinese Premier is reported to have said;- County Governments can do what the current Chinese Premier is reported to have said;- “… make decisions efficiently, organize effectively and concentrate resources to accomplish large undertakings” Wen Jiabao “… make decisions efficiently, organize effectively and concentrate resources to accomplish large undertakings” Wen Jiabao 3
CHALLENGE It is critical in a forum like this to define the challenge. It is critical in a forum like this to define the challenge. From my own perspective, the challenge is the “timing of what is needed” From my own perspective, the challenge is the “timing of what is needed” That we need an efficient and adequate transportation system is not debatable. That we need an efficient and adequate transportation system is not debatable. 4
CHALLENGE…Contd Some facts on the Transport Sector Some Facts on the role of the transport Some Facts on the role of the transport The Transport sector generates 6% of Kenya’s GDP. A GDP of cruising past the Kshs 3 trillion should give an indication of large the sector is. The Transport sector generates 6% of Kenya’s GDP. A GDP of cruising past the Kshs 3 trillion should give an indication of large the sector is. The dominant mode of transport by Road which accounts for more than 80% of the all transportation. The dominant mode of transport by Road which accounts for more than 80% of the all transportation. 5
CHALLENGE…Contd Some facts on the Transport Sector The cost of transport accounts for nearly 40% of the price of goods in the country. The implication of this immense. “Make transportation more efficient and cheaper, and you will by implication lower the price of goods”. 6
CHALLENGE Back to the challenge on Timing. Back to the challenge on Timing. That we need more roads is fact. What is critical is that we find ourselves as a country with more vehicles alongside a powerful global challenge of urbanisation which is proceeding at a furious rate. That we need more roads is fact. What is critical is that we find ourselves as a country with more vehicles alongside a powerful global challenge of urbanisation which is proceeding at a furious rate. 7
CHALLENGE Nairobi has a population approaching 4 million. 10 years ago this figure was half what it is today. Whatever roads we build today will serve only half of the population 10 years from now. Nairobi has a population approaching 4 million. 10 years ago this figure was half what it is today. Whatever roads we build today will serve only half of the population 10 years from now. We have a problem now!! But in 10 years if we do nothing, the problem will double. We have a problem now!! But in 10 years if we do nothing, the problem will double. 8
CHALLENGE Speed is of essence in whatever we do! Speed is of essence in whatever we do! Estimates have it that we need Kshs 33 trillion to cater for infrastructure needs in the Nairobi metropolitan area. Estimates have it that we need Kshs 33 trillion to cater for infrastructure needs in the Nairobi metropolitan area. 9
LOOKING AHEAD We have finalised an overarching policy to harness the thought process which will be discussed shortly by parliament. This policy will create the institutional framework needed to manage the challenges. We have finalised an overarching policy to harness the thought process which will be discussed shortly by parliament. This policy will create the institutional framework needed to manage the challenges. 10
LOOKING AHEAD It is not just money that is a critical challenge. It is not just money that is a critical challenge. Availability of engineers like you is critical; and my ending remark is that we need to train more of you. You need to play your part both as an institution and as individuals to mentor new talent. Availability of engineers like you is critical; and my ending remark is that we need to train more of you. You need to play your part both as an institution and as individuals to mentor new talent. 11