Skillful Servals BY: Colton
Habitat Live in savannas Like to be close to water Black servals live in high region of Kenya Like bamboo thickets
Appearance Has long legs It’s medium sized Has small head and big ears Fur is orange\gold brown Claws stay sharp 22in. at shoulder Servals weight goes up to They have spots and other designs Stripes across the eyes
Eating Habits Carnivore Insects, reptiles and birds Like hooking out fish from nearby steams When they feel like it they hunt springbok On special occasions‘ they stalk antelope
Behavior and other facts! Come out mainly at night Can pounce a mouse 20ft away Lives mainly by itself Plays with food before eating
Serval pics Serval pics
Resources Patz Meow Cattery html html html Kartoo Google navclient&aq=0h&oq=serv&ie=UTF- 8&rlz=1T4SKPB_enUS268US269&q=serval s+eating navclient&aq=0h&oq=serv&ie=UTF- 8&rlz=1T4SKPB_enUS268US269&q=serval s+eating navclient&aq=0h&oq=serv&ie=UTF- 8&rlz=1T4SKPB_enUS268US269&q=serval s+eating
Thank you for watching Warning: do not hunt Servals ! credits Director: : me there all me ! Producer : me Pictures : me