Cholera around the world Supporting education in Ethiopia Cholera around the world
Supporting education in Ethiopia What countries or regions are most affected by cholera according to the map?
Supporting education in Ethiopia This map shows the proportion of worldwide deaths from cholera that occurred in 2004. Does cholera affect all countries equally?
What does sanitation have to do with cholera? Supporting education in Ethiopia What does sanitation have to do with cholera?
Water Facts in Ethiopia Supporting education in Ethiopia Water Facts in Ethiopia The population of Ethiopia is 85 million. 49 million people do not have access to clean water. 75.9 million people in Ethiopia do not have access to proper sanitation.
Water Facts in India The population of India is 1.2 billion. Supporting education in Ethiopia Water Facts in India The population of India is 1.2 billion. 128 million people do not have access to clean water. 839 million people in India do not have access to proper sanitation.
Water Facts in Honduras Supporting education in Ethiopia Water Facts in Honduras The population of Honduras is 7.8 million. 1.2 million people do not have access to clean water. 2.6 million people in Honduras do not have access to proper sanitation.
Water Facts in Kenya The population of Kenya is 39 million. Supporting education in Ethiopia Water Facts in Kenya The population of Kenya is 39 million. 16.8 million people do not have access to clean water. 22.6 million people in Kenya do not have access to proper sanitation.
Water Facts in the UK The population of the UK is 61.4 million. Supporting education in Ethiopia Water Facts in the UK The population of the UK is 61.4 million. Everyone has access to clean water. Everyone in the UK has access to proper sanitation.
Can you find these countries on a map? Supporting education in Ethiopia Can you find these countries on a map? What is the link between a lack of sanitation and cholera? Based on what you have learnt, which countries do you think are most likely to suffer a cholera outbreak? Does cholera affect all countries equally?